The Virgin Atlantic Revivals Lounge LHR Review is part of the Trip Report Athens Marathon: The Original Course which includes the following cities:
- Toronto, Canada
- Detroit, Michigan
- London, England
- Athens, Greece
- Giza, Egypt
- Cairo, Egypt
- Luxor, Egypt
- Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt
- Abu Dhabi, UAE
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In the future we will cross the Atlantic on a flying machine, arrive before the start of the business day, and treat ourselves to an a la carte meal before heading to the office.
This is reality if you fly Virgin Atlantic from the United States to London. Upon arrival, be sure to head to the Virgin Atlantic Revivals Lounge after clearing Customs. There you will find a futuristic lounge with a legitimate breakfast, free spa treatment, and a proper shower.
The concept of an arrivals lounge is clever if you truly are a business traveler. I enjoyed pretending that this routine was part of my weekly commute from the United States to the UK but I’m guessing that Sir Richard Branson conceived this idea to serve a practical purpose not just as a novelty for points enthusiasts. In any event, I loved the added bonus of the Revivals Lounge especially the facial treatment that helped soothe the hangover from Upper Class party.
<==Back to Virgin Atlantic Upper Class – Onto National Express to Gatwick==>