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Friday, March 14, 2025
HomePointsMembership Rewards to Avios? Transfer 4 RTs from HKG-BKK

Membership Rewards to Avios? Transfer 4 RTs from HKG-BKK

A good rule of thumb in the points game is to always have enough Avios to get you to Bangkok from Hong Kong and back four times. Incidentally, that rule was developed today as the final countdown for the British deval ratio from Amex draws near.

I read case study after case study trying to figure out if I should transfer MRs, how many I should transfer, and on and on. In the end, I moved 34,000 which brings my balance to 60k. I will eventually get another 120k from Chase but till that happens I didn’t want to remain in violation of the aforementioned rule.

Many bloggers write of transferring either URs or SPG points to top off their Avios accounts. URs are far too valuable given Chase’s anti-churning measure that passed through Congress. And SPG points? Where are these bloggers getting all these SPG points? Amex enacted the anti-churning measure awhile ago so the sign up bonus is no longer a viable way of rebooting the account. I’m platinum with SPG and my account isn’t bursting at the seams with disposable points, certainly not with any that are worth more as airline currency instead of award nights.

With that, I did what I had to do. Maybe there will be a MR to Avios transfer bonus later but given what’s at stake, I couldn’t risk the wait.





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