Today is the 6 month anniversary I’ve been alive as ThePointsOfLife. To date, I have had 27,606 views which has to be more than auto-refresh. I continue to try to differentiate myself from every single blog, travel or otherwise, by producing fresh content.
Here are some highlights of the new additions:
In the Hotel Reviews section, I have set up a tourney where all the Vegas hotels I’ve stayed at fight to not get Knocked Out.
In the Pulse section, I write my own op-eds about current events. Check out my UK saving post on Scotland.
In the Trip Reports section, I use the economic framework of Guns And Butter to tell you what you absolutely must do when visiting a new place, a creative idea that breaks up the repetition of reading the same review of Angkor Wat.
In the Press section, I use my collection of espresso pictures from cities all over the world to provide a unique insight on local life.
In Travel Advice, I created an intense mini-series about recovering a stolen iPhone while traveling.
I still need to finish the Pho Sho: Top 10 Pho Worldwide and reveal more crazy details about my life as a lawyer doubling as a Taxi Driver all in an effort to sell copies of my book, Everyone’s Advice Is Wrong which is available on Kindle and paperback here.
6 months of sexiness are in the books! Can I get an encore, do you want more?
Congratulations! And many happy returns of the day, as Winnie the Pooh used to say.. 🙂