Some would have you believe that bloggers are infallible. Some would have you believe there’s no such thing as sarcasm.
Well this blogger in his ignorance ignored the JetBlue Points Match promotion. I even tried to rationalize why it wasn’t a great idea for an SPG hoarder such as myself. Like many people who only read the headline and bypass the details, I made an incorrect quick judgment. At the last moment, I decided to read the fine print as any competent lawyer should. That along with nonstop posts from BoardingArea brethren convinced me that I was the fool in this scenario.
I transferred the requisite points and today was happy to see that I was enrolled in the program. The next step is to book my JetBlue flight, apply for a Barclay’s JetBlue card, and play my favorite game, imaginary trip planning, with my Virgin points.
Today has been a great day in the life of points. 75k MR, 100k Delta kyats, 50.000.1 Virgins, and 75k #goblue.
Kyats haha, but I think dong is a lesser currency
I love dong. And all dong jokes