When it rains it pours. When you churn, all annual fees come up at the same time. Here are the latest on the chopping block:
- IHG: $49 annual fee provides 1 night at any IHG hotel. That’s a great deal subject to deval. I maximized mine last time at the rainy IC Bora Bora, a great redemption but lousy hotel. Keep
- British: It was tough to hit the 20k spend on this one but I made it. Now, there’s nothing to do but book short-haul flights with this stash of Avios. Cancel
- Alaska: You already know. Cancel
- Amex Platinum: Great card. Already maximized the $200 airline credit and now have the Amex Mercedes so there’s no point in the $450 annual fee. Cancel

Good call on the IHG card … the others, you can always repeat and rinse!
Not the Amex Plat. I would have downgraded and waited for another upgrade offer next year with no credit pull.
I should have clarified that I have yet to call retention on these. Ideally, the credit is shifted, a downgrade is possible, or the annual fee is waived. If not then they will be cancelled.