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Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomePointsBooking55K Alaskan to Fiji And My New Melbourne Residence

55K Alaskan to Fiji And My New Melbourne Residence

The title of this Trip Report is appropriately called Over/Under because I am planning on living in Melbourne for six weeks next spring but am unsure about the odds of that actually happening. My travel goal is to take up residency in two first-tier cities twice a year, while, as I have always done, taking multiple helter-skelter trips throughout the year (see Vote for Where TPOL Will Move Next And…). This new lifestyle is my attempt to make up time (see Lost & Found Year(s)). I am hopeful that it will work.

My anticipated first residency, Dubai, was easy to select on account of the World Cup in Qatar (see Is TPOL Going to The World Cup?). The second was dumb luck. I read a blog post from View From The Wing. He detailed great availability to Australia and New Zealand with a stopover in Fiji. Since I have not visited Fiji and since Melbourne was on the aforementioned list of “Where TPOL Will Move Next,” I decided to press my luck and search for availability. As Gary wrote, it was wide open. Within a few minutes, I made my booking and am [tentatively] on my way to a new life down under. It only cost 55k Alaska points and $43.40 per passenger.

a screenshot of a plane
Over/Under this is more than just a vacation?

And I thought my 100k flight on SQ to Hanoi was a great deal (see Booked! World’s Longest Flight).



    • Further showing how pointless your comment is. Here, ‘Alaskan’ is a modifier for Alaska points. The title wouldn’t be ’55k Alaska’. That would make no sense. If I wanted to be a complete douche, per your snobbery, I should have titled the post 55k Alaska Mileage Plan miles. To that end, I used ‘Alaska points’ to reference their mileage program. Call the blog police! #whogivesashit

  1. Shut up already. I’m not going to change it because I don’t care. Done responding to you. Such a pest. It’s not even entertaining.

  2. I’ve been a reader for a while but do happen to agree with the comment above – you lose a bit of credibility amongst your peers (other bloggers) when you call it Alaskan. The unsavory comment above isn’t very respectful!

    • You can agree. That’s fine. Credibility over a typo? Where would Gary be if we judged him by that standard? And respect is a two way street. Gene is actually a friend of mine but he has spouted off one too many times and has become intolerable as a commentator.

    • And how about the actual content! Fiji and New Zealand booked. Nope, let’s focus on Alaska versus Alaskan when I’m not even flieng [sic] that airline.

  3. So you admit it’s a typo but continue to berate your readers lol. Maybe just keep your “blog” and typos and foul language to yourself from now on!

    • I don’t think it’s a typo now that I read it. I assumed just off of reading the comment that I had written Alaskan airlines instead of Alaska Airlines. In the title, as I wrote, I put 55k Alaskan which is an adjective. I’m sticking with that.

      I don’t understand why blog is in quotes? I guess I could keep it to myself by not writing. However, you could keep me away from you but simply not reading. [INSERT EXCLAMATION POINT]


  4. I’m just guessing here but I suspect you will severely dislike Fiji. Although it’s possible you might. It’s an odd cross between Hawaii and…. Puerto Rico. Good luck. I went twice for a week way back when on the mistake fares posted on Flyertalk, about $50.

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