I have been trying for months to apply for the Citi Business AA card. It had a 70k bonus when meeting the spend requirement. I received a rejection letter reasoning that my credit was restricted. I called the application department and they said there was negative information on my prior business account. I called customer service to follow-up. Here’s what happened.
Two years ago I applied for the Citi Business AA card and was approved. I later found out that I was not eligible for the bonus. Instead of canceling the card, and risking having my eligibility resetting, I kept the card open but never used it. A year later the annual fee was due, but I did not receive an email or a paper invoice. Months after that I started receiving calls from Citi telling me to check my account. I kept logging into my personal account and saw nothing there. I called Citi and they confirmed I was current. It finally occurred to me that this could be the annual fee for my business account. I called Citi business who refunded my $95 and closed my account with no balance.
Despite this, my business account still shows negative information, and for some reason customer service and the credit department can’t straighten it out. The credit department keeps saying they can’t move forward until customer service sorts it out. Customer service says there’s nothing to sort out. Whenever I think I’m getting close to a resolution, I’m just transferred to another agent and the madness continues as I try to explain the story again.

Sorry about your ordeal. It seems like their IT has problems with logins with different cards or if you cancel the card. I had some problems logging in and have to reset the password every time. Yes, every time. I try to log in and just freeze the card because of this glitch. It seems like the personal and business versions don’t sync for some reason.
Barclays is the same way. Chase and Amex have one login.
And USBank — if you have business checking and a personal card, good luck logging in. I’m using the website for checking, the app for credit cad. Yes, it makes Chase and Amex look really sophisticated.
Lol US Bank is actually the worst. It shows my business card but it doesn’t show charges. Almost got fooled on that one too.
Well you did default on the account…
As I’m sure you know, this happens a lot. Banks are not required to send you statements (if you’re digital) or inform you of missed payments. Don’t you keep a spreadsheet? I will usually mark “cancel this card” on my calendar if I’m waiting til the 12 month mark.
Thanks for stating the obvious. And ultimately, I didn’t ‘default’. They recognized that it was an oversight. #shithappens