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Wednesday, March 5, 2025
HomeTrip Directory#NoCollusion, No Albania for TPOLConnecting in Madrid: Pack Extra Time Part II

Connecting in Madrid: Pack Extra Time Part II

Connecting in Madrid Part II is part of the #NoCollusion, No Albania for TPOL where I break my 100 country count mark. See the World Map for where I’ve been.

I’m back at Madrid Airport and just like before, I’m recounting the madness of making a connection. I may have been too cautious arriving from Lisbon via TAP at 9AM when my flight wasn’t until 8:25PM, but if I was cutting it close I would’ve found myself with major anxiety in trying to navigate the airport to make my connection.

Usted Está en T2 

I landed in Terminal 2 and, to my chagrin, had to take a bus to Terminal 4. Already, I’m feeling overwhelmed wondering when the bus will come and making sure that I get on the right bus.

a sign in a building a sign in a building a sign on a pole


The bus came and was clearly marked, and it dropped me off at Terminal 4.

people standing next to a bus a large metal structure in a airport

A Note on Airport Signs 

Upon entering Terminal 4, I tried to follow the signs to my gate and got lost (see Lost in Airports: Can’t You Read the Signs?).

a large glass walkway with a sign and people in it


Terminal 4 versus 4s? Come on man! The Russian, Arabic, Spanish, and Chinese make more sense to me than this sign Rosetta Stone (see TPOL The Polyglot: How To Learn Multiple Languages).

a sign with different signs on it


a sign on a wall

I finally found my way to the Iberia Lounge. A drink was needed.



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