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Wednesday, March 26, 2025
HomePointsManufactured SpendingHitchcock's The REDBirds

Hitchcock’s The REDBirds

il_fullxfull.365905212_4oeiAhh! Damn birds are everywhere! Like watching Hitchcock’s classic, I am in a state of fright from having to manage all these accounts.

While I’ve developed an easy system for what cards to keep/cut, debunked myths about credit card churning, and developed a fool proof plan to get to the Maldives in 30 days or Costa Rica in 30 minutes, my full-time job as the CEO of MS has been turned upside down by The Birds!

Though life was vanilla with CVS and nothing short of a gift at Walmart, the shifting of the target to RedBird despite its overwhelming advantages has proven to be a bit overwhelming. Beyond the annoyances of the fraud department who still has me on hold and the wary looks of the customer service desk lies another problem: how to not overdo it.

I am writing this post to warn that open season on MS with the easy prey of redBIRD is no reason to be greedy. I’ve been so giddy with the combinations of what I can do with this new ammunition (push hard for Hilton Diamond, risk FR via SPG) that I’ve been a bit reckless. Not every transaction should be a perfect 1k and not every payment should come a day later. Ultimately this behavior may or may not matter but when I heard my friend file a complaint with a bank because he was sick of going through the fraud department every time he tried to MS, I knew I had to issue the following warning:

Only hunt what you will eat. Otherwise you may find that the prey has become the predator.

Good evening.





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