Golf is a game of etiquette, integrity, and order. Then your f*!king ball goes in the creek and all bets are off. After losing ball after ball after ball, I have found a game within a game i.e., searching for the lost ball. I’m not talking about walking around or driving aimlessly for that missing Titelist. I’m talking about taking off your shoes and socks and getting right in the creek.
I find myself letting others play through as I wade the creek, topless at times, searching for the treasure of Callaways. The Nike pieces of garbage I leave behind because no one, not even Tiger wants to deal with Nike golf gear. Today we hit the jackpot coming across little nooks and crannies filled with golf balls once thought to be lost forever. I didn’t take the time to count but judging by the picture, I’d say there are well over 30.
On the final hole, I put one in the creek and was tempted to go back in and venture for more. Alas, my sniffling nose and frosty air forced me to abandon this plan. The golf course giveth and it taketh away.