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Wednesday, March 26, 2025
HomeWorld MapEstoniaPriority Pass Tallinn: Sorry No Food Pics

Priority Pass Tallinn: Sorry No Food Pics

Priority Pass Lounge Review Tallinn is part of the Iraq Homecoming Trip Report.

I used to be the Fat Guy in the Lounge (see Are You the Fat Guy in the Lounge? and Fat Guy in the Lounge: Tahiti Edition). Walking into a lounge, I would automatically pick up a plate, even when I was not hungry because 1.) It was free. 2.) Blog readers like to see what food is served.

Those days are over because there is nothing worse than traveling while fat. Since I refuse to work out while on my world tours (see A Holiday of Healthy, Tipsy, & on Budget? Basically Impossible), the only thing I can control is my consumption. And the easiest place to start is the lounge. I have always felt awkward taking photos of food in the lounge and would feel even more strange if I was not eating. Accordingly, there are no photos of food in this post.

a coffee shop with a counter and chairs
What snacks do they offer?
a beverage cooler in a room
For me, it was Coke Zero.
a bar with a group of glasses and bottles
But no more alcohol for me.


Another obsession from readers is the seats in the lounge. I don’t understand why these need to be documented. Unless there’s a place to sleep, why do I have to document this? Won’t you see it when you arrive? It’s not like there won’t be chairs. Anyhow, here they are: chairs.

a room with chairs and a tvPatio

I do feel it is worth mentioning when there is a patio, though I am not sure how much it is used in cold Estonia.

a group of potted plants on a wood deck
Judging by the lack of chairs, not that much.
a plane on the runway
Ryan is here.


Sorry travel nerds but my days of pigging out in the lounge on the regular are a thing of the past. If you thought my lounge reviews were inadequate before, what do you think now?



  1. Thanks for completely wasting 4 minutes of my life. If you don’t want to write lounge reviews – don’t right them.

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