For he who says, “It is the journey not the destination that is important,” I say, “Have you stayed at a St. Regis?” My constant internal struggle of whether I prefer the posh life of platinum or the sensibilities of savings mimic that of a tragic hero whose fatal flaw is not being true to thy self.
Poetic stanzas notwithstanding, it’s hard to say I love the uncertainty of adventure when the pleasantries of pampering are only a butler page away.
The St. Regis Mauritius Resort opened in March 2013 in the southernmost tip of the island of Mauritius. It is a resort for those who want to getaway from those who want to getaway. The hotel is completely isolated from the rest of the island making it necessary to stock up on any supplies you require en route from the airport to the hotel. Otherwise, the cost of hiring a driver to explore the island is nothing short of outrageous. Worry not, once you do arrive at the St. Regis there will be no reason to ever leave.
As a SPG Platinum I was upgraded to a one bedroom suite steps away from the placid ocean. The room is everything you would expect from a St. Regis: a plush king size bed, bedside remote to control your world, and a bathroom that’s more like a day spa. Further accentuating the repose of this retreat is the patio equipped with a day bed and more fluffy pillows that further inhibit any impulse from leaving this parcel of paradise.
It is rumored the resort has a beautiful pool, countless water activities, and an excellent breakfast buffet. As to the veracity of such claims, I have limited knowledge for I spent my time lounging in this sequential order: night bed, day bed, beach.
Oh, St. Regis: It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend coming for a look:

How was the pizza?