After arriving from Tobago, I had two hours before my flight to FLL. Instead of heading for the Priority Pass Lounge, I went to the outside food court for a last minute taste of Trinidad. First, I had a Double which was better than the one on Avenue. It was so good, I tried the vendor’s other option, the pie. Both are curry, chick peas, and pepper sauce but the latter is more like a chalupa with potatoes. If I had the choice I would take the Double.
The third snack was the goat roti. This time I didn’t have it as a burrito like I did on Avenue. The woman put the curry and goat meat in a box and the wrap on the side. Dipping it like naan, I made a nice mess much like the crab and dumplings.
Like all places in Trinidad and Tobago, napkins were in short supply. It’s crazy that the obscene amounts of food cost less than a dollar, but napkins are held onto like family heirlooms. After I wiped my hands on my clothes, I made my way through security in time for a few drinks at the Travel Flyers’ Club.
I was surprised by the amount of alcohol and snacks available and the extensive seating. Since I spent so much time eating in the food court, I didn’t have the time to make use of the lounge. With all seats being called, I snatched a tuna sandwich and made my way to the gate.