I was looking for something to do on a Monday in Vegas. It used to be that there were many options. Now there are only a few. A Google search lead me to the website, Ticketfly. There I saw presale tickets to Marquee of XS for $30 for men. Not looking to commit, I figured I’d buy the tickets at the door or on the app when I arrived.
I made the choice to go to XS and was told that the cover was now $50. I was also told that the TicketFly tickets were no longer available for online purchase. Since only suckers pay the full cover charge, I tried my old Vegas tactic of smooth talking the doorman to get in for free, a plan that has a 96.45% success rate. After exchanging pleasantries, the doorman said there was nothing he could do. A bit surprised, I turned to the second best alternative—a bribe.
In the old days, a simple handshake with a decent denomination of money would get me and my friends past the line and include cover. Today, this practice is dead. The doorman said he wouldn’t accept money and that no one does so anymore because everything is monitored and accounted for. Bewildered, I walked away and came up with another plan. I spotted an idle BlackJack dealer and told her I was going to play one hand and win the cost of entry. She dealt me a twenty and was showing a face card. I told her that she better not have BlackJack. She did not. She had 12 which quickly turned to 22. I won and was on my way to mischief.
Sam Rothstein’s Vegas died a long time ago and now my Vegas is dead too.

You can’t be serious. It is easy to get into any nightclub in Vegas. All you have to do is find in t
his case an XS host. You cam Google them and then text them. I went to night swim 2 weeks ago 80 dollar cover but I got there found the host I’ve been texting he gave me a comped cover slip and walked me on right through the table line even though I didn’t have a table. I did slip him 20 bucks but I could tell he wasn’t expecting it however IMO 20 bucks saved me 80 and prob an hour wait lol
Reread the post. This was Monday night.
Doesn’t matter if it was a Monday. Will is right. You can find a host for any night of the week.
There weren’t any hosts. This isn’t breaking news insight that hosts get you Vegas hook-ups.
A bribe doesn’t work in Vegas? Sad. What’s this world coming to?
A boring, sad end. Luckily, I’ll be in Albania soon.
Unless James Comey has anything to do with it…
Well i had a meeting with my brother in law and 6 other strangers
What do you mean there weren’t any hosts? No crap you can’t just walk up to the door and ask for a host but you could of spent 5 seconds googling XS hosts and then texted one. It really doesn’t take that much effort.
Will, next time I go to Vegas I’ll just text you. How about that? Actually, I won’t. Hosts aren’t around late in the night and it was a dead Monday so there was no one in sight. I left LAS Centurion at 11PM. Anyhow, glad you missed the point of the story. Please continue to share your insight.
I’m just excited that you’ll be in Albania soon. HAHAHA Is that the destination that’s winning the contest?
By a big jargon
Or margin
Do yourself a favor while in Tirana.
Spend some time inside the Et`hem Bey Mosque by the main square.
All the Middle East big cities have huge, modern mosques which seems to be a big d*ck contest between countries, but I much more enjoyed my time admiring the woodwork and ornate painting detail inside this small mosque.