One of the stops on my #No Collusion, No Albania for TPOL trip which starts next week is Switzerland. When I had the stupid idea to let fans and strangers of my blog pick where I was going to move to next, the biggest factor was cost of living. While Albania was not my preferred next place to live, it certainly beats Switzerland for a night on the town. According to Bloomberg, “For at least the second year running, Switzerland’s banking hub took the prize for the most expensive city for a date – cab rides, dinner for two at a pub, soft drinks, two movie tickets and a couple of beers.” Switzerland was one of the few places in Europe that I have yet to visit and have avoided it until now.
By contrast, the cheapest cities to go on a date were Kuala Lumpur, Jakarta and Manila. KL may be cheap but it is also incredibly boring and my least favorite city in SE Asia (see Since I cannot personally go to SE Asia with Mikey and show him the ladyboy bars in Bangkok… and Lord of the Bling: The 10 Tallest Towers for everything SE Asia). Jakarta may be affordable but you’ll be stuck in traffic trying to get to your date.
“At the opposite end of the spectrum it’s very cheap to indulge in such habits in the Czech Republic and South Africa,” Deutsche Bank said. South Africa certainly gets my vote. And as a former resident of Prague, I would also recommend Czech Republic, just not in the winter.
Where are you dating in 2018?
TPOL’s TIP: As far as mountains, lakes, and natural beauty, I would recommend Montana. Minus the exorbitant prices, it’s Switzerland.

I’m dating in my dreams
Oh I’m dating in Luxembourg, the stop after.