Party Time Worldwide

“I can have fun without drinking,” someone once told me. Maybe, it is possible but I prefer the alternative. What’s on your bucket list? (worst saying btw) I hope Koh Phangan, Thailand. DSC01184 Stay tuned for the debauchery, worldwide of course.

We’re Off to Wine Country Worldwide

What makes a good wine? What credibility do I have to tell you what wine is good and what wine is crap? These pressing questions and much more  will be answered in my international expedition: Alex takes on Wine Country Worldwide. So go to your local Costco, pick up your bottle of $7.99 Merlot and prepare to be wowed. As usual, we start with a picture preview: DSC02942

Pho Sho: Top 10 Pho Worldwide


For all my Pho lovers and friends, I have traveled the world in search of that perfect bowl of pho. Pho Tai is my favorite and I will document with pictures and stories where I was wowed by a great bowl and where I was left disappointed. For those of you who do not know what pho is, shame on you. No worries, I’ll take you to pho university. Let’s start with a nice pic to set the mood:


Keep up on twitter for when I post #10.