Too many credit inquiries. Too much available credit. Those are the reasons I am used to receiving when I am rejected for a card in this churn game. When I applied for the Avianca LifeMiles card, I was told the following:
Thank you for your recent application, which we are processing on behalf of our issuer, First Electronic Bank. Your request for a credit card was carefully considered, and we regret that we are unable to approve your application at this time, for the following reason(s):
- Potential fraud
That’s a first. They only provide an address to follow-up. I will explore other ways and report back. Anyone else get flagged for potential fraud?
My experience having this card was so negative that it wasn’t worth the miles.
This is for the new card, not the banco popular.
I had issues with Bank of America when I had PO Box as my mailing address. Took almost a month to finally get an approval. Once I got rid of the PO Box no more problems.
Although they are not with Banco Popular anymore, they used to do stuff like that. I got approved for the old avianca banco popular card years ago, i got it in the mail and tried to activate it and they wanted me to verify my identity and they ended up closing the card after I sent in my docs. I’m not sure what they didn’t like, they wouldnt say.