Golden Horseshoe Golf Club Review is part of the TPOL Won’t Visit All 50 States And That’s OK Trip Report.
Conferences are a marathon of shaking hands, paying attention, and trying not to fall asleep. Each time I attend a conference, I promise not to touch my phone, to take notes, and to send follow-up emails for the stack of business cards I received as soon as I get home. These goals are noble but hardly play out. Instead, I’ll find any distraction to keep me out of the conference room and any excuse to justify that I’m not missing out on anything critical (see Should You Include Work Trips in Your Country Count?). Williamsburg was no exception. In fact, the Williamsburg Lodge, the venue for the conference, made it impossible for me to attend every day.

Dressed in a shirt and tie, I made may way to the Golden Horseshoe Golf Club and booked a tee time.
The Dag Nab It Hole
I was warned to play this hole conservatively as the ball could easily roll down into the water.
I laid up like a pro and was 100 yards from the pin.
Not wanting to end up in the water, I overcompensated and played the shot too aggressively. I ended up behind the green.
And, wouldn’t you know it, after taking pains to make sure I didn’t end up in the water, that’s where the ball went after an errant chip. Dag nab it!
Where Are My Balls?
When I play on the road, I tend to lose fewer balls. First, I don’t know the course so I don’t go for the glory. Second, I have to buy balls from the pro shop for prices I would prefer not to pay. Losing a ball is painful experience (see Golf in Marrakech: BYOB). I did fairly well on this course, though I believe this guy took a few.
A Perfect Day
Playing golf on my home course in Puerto Rico is paradise. The heat is the only drawback. In Williamsburg, the weather was perfect. It was a crisp 55-degree day. Without the humidity, the clubs felt lighter, the ball flew further, and the game was easier.

Another Great Approach
TPOL was not scared of the water on this day.

More Water
Perhaps attending the conference would have been less stressful.

Moment of Truth

With the round going quite well, It was time to see how far I have come as a golfer. I don’t know why I put that extra pressure on myself. I stepped onto the tee-box and, as you can guess, shanked it right into the water.
TPOL’s TIP: Just hit the damn ball.
What a great day to skip a conference. What a great day for golf.
Golden Horseshoe Golf Club Review is part of the TPOL Won’t Visit All 50 States And That’s OK Trip Report.