I’m sure no one cares to read about the Hyatt Regency in downtown Miami. Most people who do visit this terrible city will not be staying downtown anyway (see Air TPOL Retiring From Travel). I am only writing it because of a phenomenon called blogger’s guilt, whereby every international Flight, Hotel, and Lounge must be documented for completeness. Let’s get this over with.
As I wrote, the Hyatt Regency is located in downtown Miami, an area as boring as downtown Phoenix.

Hotel Itself
The hotel is connected to a convention center. If you’re staying here for a convention, you probably are getting a corporate rate and won’t care that the hotel is popcorn ceiling dated.
The suite was standard.
Replacing a shower head and an elongated the curtain rod does is not a bathroom renovation. Shower curtains are disgusting and have no place in the world.

Although I am not Globalist yet (see Becoming Hyatt Globalist Again: TPOL’s Masterpiece Strategy), I was given free breakfast. It was terrible. The OJ was Tropicana and the breakfast burrito received one bite.
With my early arrival, I was unable to check-in right away. I used the free time to explore the Riverwalk. It’s not San Antonio (River Walk! TPOL’s San Antonio Food & Drink Guide), but looking at the water is nicer than looking at this ugly downtown.
Anything Good?
- 12k points a night is a decent value (see Booking Miami: I’m as Frugal As Ever).
- Wynwood is close by if you’re looking for a points option near that area.
- The pool in the building across from my room.
Review done. Will you be staying here? Of course you won’t be.
Booking my stay now…somewhere else.
Another city I hope.
You feel as well that people working in Miami looks like they are the one on vacation? No matter WA or W. Something wrong with city or me
Like I’m disturbing them by asking them to do their job
So tell us how you feel about the place?
I didn’t even mention the pool!
I warned you. Although it is a decent place if you aren’t wanting to be at the beach.
Can’t say I wasn’t warned!
Sounds like a place to stay if your connection at Mia is cancelled. Ahh, maybe not. I’m allergic to popcorn ceilings.
This is a better option for that: https://thepointsoflife.boardingarea.com/hyatt-place-miami-airport-careful-theres-east-west/
This guy. Love him or leave him.
LOL. The terse honesty is refreshing. Excellent review. Popcorn ceilings:)
They can’t all be winners.
You should’ve gone for the panoramic suite 100% better.
Not an explorist perk. Soon I’ll be global but not returning to Miami. Maybe in ten years
This does is not okay
Well put.
Do not agree with author, Miami is one of the best cities I. The world…New York is disgusting, Chicago is worse and LA is full of homeless people..This author does not know what he is talking about…purely one sided. Some of my best memories are in Miami.
That’s fine. I didn’t say you thought Miami was the worst city. Chicago is great, NY is pretty good and I hate LA.
But the best city in North America is…Toronto.
I think as an author, you should make sure what you are writing about before trashing a city in one sentence. Did you try the areas fantastic restaurants scene? Did you visit Brickell City Center which is a cross the bridge from the Hyatt? Did you visit Bayside Market place which is within walking distance of the Hyatt? Did you visit the artistic Wynwood area which is not to far? Did you visit the wharf on the river which is also within walking distance?..and many more areas you could have gone to. I think your writing is extremely one minded and very damaging to a cities reputation given the power they gave you to write about them..in fact I’m going further..I’m gonna write an e-mail to the points guy about this article. Very insulting.
Did you actually read my post? I referenced Wynwood. Did you read the previous post? Did you click the link for ‘Miami’ in the first sentence to see all my blog posts for Miami? You didn’t. You just went off on your question tantrum.
Here is everything I have blogged about in one of the worst cities in the world. https://thepointsoflife.boardingarea.com/category/map/united-states/florida/miami/
And yes, I can say it is one of the worst cities because I have been quite a few places: https://thepointsoflife.boardingarea.com/map/
To that end, who cares if I don’t like it. My opinion means nothing. If you like it, go and enjoy it.
Finally, I don’t get this sentence, “I think your writing is extremely one minded and very damaging to a cities reputation given the power they gave you to write about them.” Who is they? The only they I know are the voices in my head.
Go ahead and email TPG, let me know their response lol. FYI TPOL is not affiliated with TPG.
Thank you for skimming, not reading my post.
I also have been quite a few places, and Toronto is not even on top 50..one of the coldest places on earth…that city is only good 5 months out of the year..Miami is vibrant full of energy year round. So forgive me if I disagree with you because you happened to stay at one of the worst hotels in Miami and you took it out on this city. Did you even bother to interview a locals and see why so many people are moving there? Developers are only building a condo building everywhere you look. and they are all full. If you are trashing Hyatt then trash Hyatt. Don’t generalize and call the city boring in one swoop..Because people read just the article and don’t read your whole Blog!! Jesus , be specific when you unleash criticism.
Great. Glad you love it. I said downtown Miami is boring. You don’t actually read. Again, there is a link to all my Miami posts. Indeed, I praised brickell. Miami sucks. You can have it.
I do like the Canes but that’s not relevant.
Oh and what did TPG say ha!
If you are going to take a childish attitude then simply you should not be in the business of writing articles for TPG or any other travel site for that matter. You are just awful! And on top of that , critizing your readers is just shameful. And you are right. I will take this city ALL DAY…You can keep Frozen Toronto..maybe you should go there and write about how wonderful it is when it’s -20 in January and lie about that!
I live in PR. I’ll be fine. And not sure why you’re taking this personally. I didn’t say anything about you, though funny that you’re the name calling. I’ll consider this comment for Festivus 2021. It may not make it because it’s tame compared to the filth I receive.
I took it personally because it was an unjustified smear job. And authors like you that can ruin a wonderful city reputation in a stroke of a keyboard. Just because you can. People in hospitality industry depend on tourists and business travel. You have the power to change people’s decisions on where to go or hold a convention. Your personal views should be fair. Just because you had an awful experience at a particular crappy hotel should not be your reflection on a area as a whole. That’s why I said to be specific on why you dislike a city and maybe point out some positives and play fair in the same article..don’t point to some blog nobody reads for the positives. People’s livelihoods are in jepody when you just say ” Most people who visit this terrible city.” and write nothing else.
You still haven’t read anything yet you keep commenting. Enough.
You claimed I said Miami is boring. I said downtown. Did you actually read the other posts? Of course not didn’t. People’s lives are at stake? That’s hysterically stupid.
@ MARIO — Dude, Miami sucks. Get over it.
So does Phuket! Are lives ruined by me saying that?
The morons keep on going there, too.
I think you are exactly what’s wrong with online media..goodbye
Adios. Thank you for visiting
Dude, I’m sorry , I thought I read an article on The points guy site…I did not realize I was reading an article from a rip off loser site..my bad..goodbye
Oh thank you. Also used to be a contributor to TPG
Who visits Miami and stays holed-up in a dumpy hotel? What TPOL can’t afford the Mandarin Oriental a few blocks down or the Fountainebleu Hotel in Miami Beach? And TPOL accuses people of not reading the entire article when the article is focused on a stupid hotel that will soon be replaced by a world-class Hyatt. No wonder no one reads the entire article! That is like going to Chicago and only staying in The Chinatown Hotel and then judging an entire city by that hermit experience. Sorry you didn’t like the burrito, but it was the only food in that 2 mile radius that fit your budget. Camillus House, the world-class homeless shelter has free food if you ever want to come back and stay there.
PointsofLight Guy.
Perhaps you read the whole article but you don’t know how to read? I said downtown. Fountainbleu is not downtown. Come correct next time.