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Monday, March 3, 2025
HomeUnited StatesNew YorkUber Pool JFK: Scam!

Uber Pool JFK: Scam!

I am getting tired of the inconvenience of Uber at New York airports. At LaGuardia, it takes an eternity to get a ride. In JFK, I found myself waiting forever for Uber Pool that never came. Since I landed at midnight, I figured that Uber would show up quickly, and I would be on my way to the city. Uber X was $62 and Uber Pool was $35. After flying all day, I rationalized that a bit longer ride was worth the savings.

After the first Uber driver didn’t show up, I tried again. After another thirty minutes of waiting, I gave up on that driver too. I approached a Yellow Cab and asked how much it was. It’s $52 + $5.67 for the toll + tip. Since I hate tipping, I went back on my Uber app and ordered Uber VIP. Minutes later, the driver came and I was on my way. The driver told me that Ubers around JFK do not respond to Pool because the riders are those that live in the area of the airport and the fares are only $6. That is a waste of their time.

It was a waste of my time to wait for Uber Pool drivers that do not come. Uber should not offer the service from the airport if the drivers are going to be shady. I asked Uber to credit me the difference but you already know their reaction.

Uber Pool JFK is a scam. Pay the full fare if you arrive late at night or take the AirTrain if you arrive at a normal hour.

a map of a city with a route
Still waiting for this guy




  1. oh i’ve had similar situations at EWR where uber drivers cancel on me when they realize how close of a destination i’m trying to reach.

    i’ve responded in kind by submitting complaints on all of them

  2. And how much was the Uber VIP ride? You get what you paid for, you pretty much try to save money by squeezing your savings from the driver by requesting Uber Pool. Sorry that you found out the hard way.

  3. Complain to uber, I got a $5 credit when this dude didn’t want to drive me to LGA so instead of picking me up he drove around the block in circles til I cancelled

  4. Getting an uber from an airport is a NIGHTMARE from LAX. The drivers try to contact you to get you to tell them where you’re going. If it’s too close, or if they are trying to get a fare that’s on their way home, they’ll try to get you to cancel. DO NOT DO IT. Eventually, they cancel themselves and you are back to square one. Uber needs to deal with this mess by SEVERELY penalizing drivers who cancel rides.

  5. A couple of weeks ago, my wife and I were in Orlando for a week. We decided to Uber to nearby Universal on our visits there, since parking was expensive, Uber was cheap, and we might be drinking when the parks closed. Going to the park area was always easy. On the return, it was always a nightmare. Our worst example was having a driver circle the pick up area multiple times, “picking us up” repeatedly, then cancelling on us each time. This cost us $5 every time. Eventually, we got another driver, but this frankly sucks. I complained to Uber about this transparent scam, and got the $5 cancellation fee for each time credited back to my account. What’s sad is that this is actually a favorable resolution. In lots of other industries, the customer would actually have some compensation for being obviously screwed over, but not with Uber. You’re lucky to get your money back.

    • Do you know my next arbitration is going to be against uber. This scam of them crediting me $5 in uber credit is ridiculous. When I’m overseas they credit me in local currency. Sorry I want my actual money back

  6. I agree that UBER is a scam.
    You should understand that, in my opinion, all the commenters have it wrong. UBER exists primarily as a platform to provide benefit to owners and drivers. It is not about you!
    Once you realize the above it will be easier to understand UBER’s attitude. That is why, as far as my experiences fo, the UBER driver is always right.

  7. Same thing happena at IAH…they ask for destination over the phone and if not far enough for them, they ask you to cancel service, they just don’t show up

  8. I haven’t had that many issues with UBER Pool. My biggest complaint with it is that it often matches riders going to two totally different areas of the city together. Like for example, I had to go from LGA to JFK and the app matched me with someone going to midtown so I had to ride to midtown before going to JFK. That added way too much time. I think they have since fixed that but it was annoying that’s for sure.

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