Deserting the Complacency of the Desert

Picture a city where it is sunny 296 days out of the year, it never snows, there are no hurricanes, and no earthquakes. Add in a moderate cost of living, good looking people, and great pho and you have arrived in Scottsdale. In 2005, I moved to Arizona to attend law school and as you will read in my soon to be released book (I’d say early July at the latest) Everyone’s Advice Is Wrong . . . Including MineI have always returned to the desert as a refuge from the unexpected curve balls of life. a group of women in a pool with beach balls Somewhere along the way refuge turned me into refugee forcing me to reanalyze why I am here in this 120 degree desert. While Arizona is a great state for the reasons I have mentioned, it is also preferred by the retirement community for the same reasons. (The elderly love pho too). This country club, complacent lifestyle is too sure-footed and would not get me moving forward with my plans for international domination. The only risks that come with living in Arizona are not going to the gym everyday so you can’t be at your best at the W pool party where only the finest douches spend their Saturday afternoons. palm trees next to a building a group of people in a gym a group of people in a pool The state is so cut off from international commerce that the only flights out of here take you to another hip destination, Cabo San Lucas, where you can encounter even more douches at the pool-their origins being from Los Angeles and Orange County. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had a great time in my many years as a citizen in this encampment known as Scottsdale but am ready to move on to a place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock likethe salmon of Capistrano. That place is the polar opposite of Arizona and is better known as Mongolia. But, before I get there, I have a few more points affairs to settle, a book to publish, and a promotion plan to reveal. a pool with purple lights    

The World Cup: A Risky Jump for Emerging Economies

The World Cup starts tomorrow in Brazil and the paint on the stadiums is unlikely to be dry. At least, that’s is what we are being told. Whether it be the Olympics or the World Cup, questions always arise as to whether a country is ready to host the games. Four years ago in South Africa the world questioned if the tournament would be a success. The result was a memorable World Cup and we barely heard anything about unfinished stadiums, lack of security, or any other negative media attention meant to undermine the host country. This time, there are serious doubts about the preparedness of Brazil that are not unjustified. There have been multiple deaths in the construction of stadiums that may or may not be ready for play according to FIFA. Meanwhile, in the streets there has been social unrest due to the outlandish spending on football stadiums while the country’s infrastructure is in shambles. In CNN Money, there is an article analyzing the expected economic impact of South Africa hosting the World Cup and the resulting reality: millions upon millions spent with a feeble spike in the economy. The question is whether the externalities of hosting such games including country pride and promotion of tourism are worth the cost of forgoing investments in public works projects that arguably are more impactful than the few weeks of euphoria while hosting an international tournament. This naturally elicits the next question: should emerging economies be granted these games with many examples of venues from Olympics past that have now been abandoned? Last New Years, I visited South Africa making the usual circuit from the Western Cape through Cape Town, Knysna, to Port Elizabeth, to Durban, then onto Johannesburg. In Cape Town, there is a beautiful stadium that hosted the World Cup semi finals. Today, apart from some sporting matches and concerts, the stadium sits idle, apart from gracing the adjoining golf course. IMGA0914 Upon arriving in Durban, I asked the taxi driver about the immaculate stadium that is right in the heart of the city. He told me that unlike the other stadiums in South Africa, this one was actually making money. I was laughing when he told me how. This June and July the futbol elites are back at it again, ready to battle for my favorite trophy in all of sports, the FIFA World Cup Trophy. For the next two months, the world will be focused on Brazil, anxiously waiting to see if the tournaments goes off without a hitch. I, on the other hand, am more curious as to what amusement ride will be placed in the Arena Amazonia, a stadium built right in the heart of the jungle.

How about Bungee Jump Anaconda Golf?

Is Hawaii a Country?

Is Hawaii a country? How about Aruba? How about Taiwan? Puerto Rico anyone? The answer should be followed by the question, “Why do you ask?” which leads to the answer because I want to spite all my friends on my country count list competition. While bloggers are asked how many Twitter followers they have, weightlifters their bench, travelers are asked their country count. You’re not a human if you don’t have a gazillion followers on social media, not a lifter if you can’t bench 225, and not a world traveler if you aren’t part of the exclusive Travelers’ Century ClubĀ (TCC).Ā Per their website, “The Travelers’ Century Club is a nonprofit social organization representing world travelers who have visited 100 or more of the world’s countries and territories.” I’ll spare you the suspense and say that I have not been to 100 or more countries and territories but my goal isĀ not to travel to every country in the world because looking at the globe, there are a few places I’m not interested in visiting today or tomorrow. At the same time,Ā I do want to be part of the club. Which brings us back to the title of the post, “Is Hawaii a Country?” The TCC states that there are 324 countries and territories and HawaiiĀ isĀ one of them. This makes many people irate for obvious reasons. But, that is because they do not understand and appreciate the points of having such an expansive list in the first place. The TCC promotes global exploration and recognizes the difficulty of reaching far off islands, archipelagos, and remote peninsulas. For a place to be included on the TCC list it must be, per the TCC’s terms, “removed from the parent country, either geographically, politically or ethnologically.” From that viewpoint, it makes sense to me to consider Alaska (as they do) a country. From there, things get trickier as what counts as aĀ visitĀ to check it off your list becomes a point of contention. Is transiting through the airport enough if you have a great visa story to tell? The TCC says, “After consideration as to how long one must have stayed in a country or territory to qualify, it was decided that even the shortest visit would suffice ā€” even if only a port-of-call, or a plane fuel stop.” If that’s the case, then I can add Khartoum, Sudan to my list. This leads us to why any of this matters in the first place; my spite competition with my friends. Initially, I had to inflate my numbers by including Ibiza (separate from Spain per the TCC), Puerto Rico (technically part but not part of the US), and Turkey in Asia (Turkey in Europe is separate) on my list. Naturally, I included Alaska and Hawaii as well. As I have traveled more and more, I have not erased theseĀ countriesĀ from my list but have decided to create my ownĀ own list while keeping track of formal lists as well. 1. TCC List: IĀ have stolen a page out of my friend’s website, Lee Abbamonte, who will be the youngest person to complete the TCC’s list by creating a permanent page of my country count, where you can track my progress. Again, IĀ will probably never complete this list as I have no idea what or whoĀ Wallis & Futuna Islands are and don’t believe thatĀ Trans Dniester is a real place. TCC Tally:Ā 71 2. The United Nations’ ListĀ  Thank no one for the United Nations, an inept international body that does nothing but create traffic jams in New York and give crazy kooks an opportunity to showcase their out of touch beliefs to a group equally disconnected to know what’s going on in the world, much less how to fix it. But, they do have a straightforward list ofĀ 193 member states.Ā Besides the 193, the UN recognizes two non-member permanent observer states, the Holy See (the Vatican) and Palestine. The list seems reasonable with the exception that Special Administrative Regions of the People’s Republic of China that include Hong Kong and Taiwan are not considered member states.Ā Hong Kong has its own currency, its own language, and its own history that is clear and distinct from mainland China so it is baffling as a traveler to not include it as a separateĀ country.Ā  Then there’s the whole situation with Taiwan that has its own military, surely the people of Taiwan consider themselves an autonomous country! UN Tally: 57 3. ThePointsOfLife List I can’t justify fuel stops regardless of visa headaches as visiting a country. For me, it goes against the reason why I travel in the first place- exploration. Sorry, Sudan, you are out of my list. Furthermore, because I am American I can’t say that Hawaii and Alaska should be included because my same crappy Sprint service still works there. But, I will say that Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands should count because they do not have representatives that vote in Congress. Also, I do count Aruba even if it is Dutch because once colonized islands have substantial independence from the Queen. For that reason, I add in Bermuda and St. Maarten as well. ThePointsOfLife Tally: 66 Conclusion I have 520 Twitter followers, can do 3*10 @225, and have been to 57, strike that, 66, maybe 71Ā countriesĀ and I want more. Note: This was written on June 8, 2014. Here is the latest tally of all the places I’ve visited.Ā  IMG_1284

Have You Ever Not Complained?

The words of an inquiring man, also known as Brent Dutcher, for whom I have dedicated my book, Everyone’s Advice Is Wrong . . . Including Mine. Two years ago, Mr. Dutcher told me to read a self-help book and sent me the title. Upon review of the nonsense that he sent, I replied, “That book is stupid. I can write you a better one myself.” And the rest is history. Anyhow, this post is much more than a preview for my book that should be released by the end of the month if everything goes as planned. It is meant to address Brent’s valid observation that the angry professor seems to complain a lot when he is not treated like royalty at a hotel or given the red carpet treatment by an airline. In all fairness to myself, this comes from the guy that spams all his friends with emails about how much he hates living in Lake Angelus. [no sic needed, I meant Angelus not Angeles] To begin, I ask you, the audience, what kind of service should do you expect from 5 Star accommodations and do you believe that these expectations should be tempered because you are paying next to nothing to enjoy them.

Jumeirah Hotels: Accept No Substitutes
My expectations have been satirized in the post “VIP No More, I Headed Back Home Outraged” but the reason for his question is because I do email every hotel and every airline if the service is not up to standard. The way I see it, paying customer or points customer, the hotel and airline is still benefitting from the externalities of my stay, whether they be extra fees, overpriced hamburgers, or the joy of seeing my face in the lobby. In exchange if the hotel or airline holds itself out to be customer focused, then they should genuinely strive to make their customers welcome. Anything short of that and you better believe they are receiving a strongly worded letter from yours truly. So I ask you, the reader, am I complaining or correcting?
DSC00871 (1)
cuz im happy…

Free without the ‘R’ spells FEE

Remember when checked bags were free? Remember when you got a free (terrible) meal on the plane that was undercooked and disgusting? Remember when you felt a sense of accomplishment because you convinced the flight attendant to give you the whole can of Coke! Those days are over and we are being duped into paying fees without questioning why. Initially, the excuse for checked bags was because of the cost of fuel. Fuel costs have gone up, down, and all around but checked bag prices have not gone away. Instead, we gleam with pride when we present our airline awards card and tell the agent at the check-in desk, “No, my first bag flies free!” I rarely check bags because I like to get in and out of the airport in a hurry because nothing is more demoralizing than watching one bag after another get dumped onto the carousel only to wait for yours never to come. While we are on the subject, a quick aside, does anyone else believe that they put a couple of dummy bags on the carousel as soon as you land to give you a glimmer of hope that your bags too will quickly be on their way? Anyhow, last week I took my free flight from Phoenix to Costa Rica. In total it cost 40,000 Frontier Airlines EarlyReturns points (a horrible name for a frequent flier program) because only the returning leg was at the ‘saver’ level. The outbound leg went for a premium of 25k while the return was the discounted 15k. Why is this important? Checked bags, carry-ons, and chickens are allowed with premium bookings. But when I was hastily clicking through to reserve my return seat (which always disappears as soon as the booking gods realize that you are indeed serious about booking) I skipped over the option that said ‘Don’t Get Left Holding the Bag’ followed by a menu of prices. I had heard that Frontier was charging for carry on bags but assumed that it was only for domestic flights. Wrong. a sign with text and images on it I arrive at the airport and the less than helpful agent tells me that I have to pay for my backpack because it exceeds the size of a personal item. Pleading with him that my laptop and jambox were very personal, I begrudgingly gave him my credit card and headed for the gate. But wait, I almost forgot to add, if you do want to go to Costa Rica and you do plan on returning home, you have to pay an exit departure tax of $29. a sign on a pole And, if you are thinking about using your credit card to pay for your getaway to earn points, think again. A credit card transaction will be treated by the country whose motto is Pura Vida as a cash advance. Pura Vida? No, mis amigos, Pure Ripoff.  a sign with text on it In all fairness to the Bureau of Costa Rican tourism, they do sell beer at the airport at 6AM. Too bad it’s $5 a pop. a man holding a can So in conclusion, I had a great time in Costa Rica but this was the final frontier for me flying Frontier. I’m not saying not to apply for the Frontier Card but just know ahead of time that free without the ‘R’ spells fee. Con Gusto, El profesor enojado

Pho Yo Review


Do you believe it, it’s been a few months and we are still on the air. As I wrote last week, two of my top posts of all time have to do with timeless Pho Sho: Top 10 Pho Worldwide. Before I get going with the countdown and reveal the top places to get pho in the world, just like Casey Kasem would never forget to do, I need to have a quick recap of Pho Not #10, #10, #9, #8, and #7. I began by revealing the shocking truth that New York had abysmal, disgraceful pho in ChinaTown of all places.

Pho No!
  Then things really heated up when I revealed #10: #10: Red Light Pho: Surrounded by vices and virtue, this pho restaurant is in the heart of the Red Light District in Amsterdam, Netherlands. 127 #9: Trick Or Treat? Hong Kong Pho Halloween talked about phogetting your problems for a memorable Halloween fiesta, right in the heart of Hong Kong. DSCN0005 #8: Pho-Nix Hotness: My home (for the time being) where the pho and the thermometer can reach the same temperature with only the latter being enjoyable. I need to add that Pho Thanh needs a little help in its water replenishment services, especially now that we are breaking 3 digits outside. 20140419_154149   #7: Pho Peace Summit: Shanghai, China: Secretary of State John Kerry must read ThePointsOfLife because he was recently in Asia trying to broker some phormal agreement among China, Japan, and Philippines on the issue of who owns what in the South China Sea. DSC02045 #6 is on its way, sooner than later. I’ll give you a hint, a man once broke out of prison and swam all the way to his freedom just to get a bowl!

I’ve Been Everywhere and It Sucks!

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a guide for my best friend Mikey on traveling throughout SE Asia. The premise behind the post was that I could not personally go with him and show him around. Well it didn’t take much convincing- a few photos from Mikey on Facebook to get me motivated to go meet him. I looked at my Award Wallet balance and still annoyed by the inferior service from Frontier Airlines on my flight to Costa Rica told myself it is time to break out the big guns. Break out Lucille! Behold 100k Alaska Airlines miles! It took some convincing but I talked Mikey into taking a barge from Kuala Lumpur to meet me in Juneau. Having spent thousands on hunting and camping gear from REI, I was ready to make this dream trip a reality. Actually, that’s not the case at all. Alaska Airline miles are the most valuable points currency because they can be transferred to Emirates, the premier airline in the world. I have never flown Emirates in any capacity but have heard the legend of the shower that awaits its first-class patrons. So I clicked on the link that allows you to book partner flights and typed in the coordinates of where I wanted to go. JFK-DXB (New York to Dubai) then DXB to? DXB to? For 100,000 miles you can not only fly first-class but you also receive a stopover in Dubai. Mikey and I decided on Bali as our meet up point, but I needed an additional country that I have not seen to add to my country count list. My travel in the Middle East has been limited but scanning the options available, I know why…I enjoy being alive. emirates 2 I perused the destinations in Asia as they would be an efficient way to see another country and then meet up with Mikey, Alas, the only country I have not been to is Myanmar and the only way to go there is with a visa. Too bad for me, it will take 10-12 day to process, leaving me with nothing again. CaptureemiratesSo now I face a conundrum that many points travelers face (and you too will face as loyal blog followers): is it even worth going on the trip when I can’t add another country? Isn’t the whole point of traveling to see new places? Mikey will be Mikey if I see him in Flint or the Falklands but my points can’t be just thrown away on a whim to go to a place I’ve already been, can they? I’ve been everywhere and it sucks!

The Adventure Continues Here –>

Mongolian BBQ (for sale)

As some of you may know I am taking ThePointsOfLife on the road to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia this summer. The book release party will occur somewhere in the countryside so I hope all of you can attend. In the mean time, I am selling everything in round two of my epic fire sale (the first described in full detail in Part 1: Trial And Mostly Error of the book Everyone’s Advice Is Wrong . . . Including Mine) One of the last items I have to sell is my BBQ and let me tell you, buyers off of Craig’s List are very particular about their BBQ’s even if it is being sold for next to nothing. So to have some fun and to fill in a slow Friday blog day, I have reproduced this epic Craig’s List post for your enjoyment. Of course, if you are in the Phoenix area, please come by and buy it! The actual posting is here, but here is what I wrote since that link will eventually go dead. photo5

A few months ago tragedy struck my condo complex as the HOA outlawed all BBQ’s. Distraught, I could never bring myself to sell the grill. The real victims besides all the hungry bellies were the uncooked chicken breasts, the tender cuts of steak, and the often ignored corn on the cob that lay idle, hoping to once again be reunited with the spark of fire from the ever ending tank of propane.That, my good friends, is where you come in. Please come by and purchase this piece of All-American history and continue the tradition of joy and jamboree that only a Weber Genesis Silver Grill circa 2006 can provide.Behold those ten inch rim that come standard with this one of a kind grill as well as the accompanying side table where you can place pounds of pork chops. Relish in the accompanying tools that make BBQing a painless process for even the most novice of Qers.Worried about flavor? Those charred burners are not proof of wear and tear. No my friends, those are proof of taste and triumph. This grill has years if not decades left in its [propane] tank.Finally, take comfort in knowing that the propane tank is basically full, saved from the late night raid of the evil HOA enforcer, better known as Mel.My friends come be a part of history today and purchase this grill, then go home and make history yourself. This has been a free Craig’s List post for a Weber Genesis Silver Grill. All sales are final. Red Cadillac excluded (unless you want to take over the lease). photo1
They 10’s but I keep ’em clean though
  • do NOT contact me with unsolicited services or offers

post id: 4495719486

posted: 6 minutes ago

email to friend

♥ best of [?]

30 Minutes to Costa Rica: Easy as Step 1, 2, 3

I went here, I went there, I went everywhere [on points] and my sister was never impressed. She like most of my friends and family really didn’t buy into the points idea or was suspicious as to its legality. Then Memorial Day weekend came and I left…to Costa Rica. DSC03965 “This is the first time I’ve been impressed with your points crap,” she halfheartedly complimented. Why when I showed her pictures of Maldives and her dream bungalow was she so excited by this trip? Because it was booked at the 11th hour and 59th minute for basically free. I say basically because of all these stupid fees, hidden taxes, and ridiculous charges imposed by taxis, Frontier Airlines, and the country of Costa Rica which will be addressed in tomorrow’s blog. For now, let’s focus on the Pura Vida (pure life) way that I got to go on this great impromptu trip for mere pennies. return other Forget 30 Days to Maldives, you can get to Costa Rica in about 30 minutes of work. Step 1: Apply for the Frontier Airlines Card Step 2: Spend $500 on the card. Step 3: Receive 40k miles, enough for a roundtrip ticket to Costa Rica! Then live the Pura Vida while doing your best Tarzan impression following the superman zipline experience. IMG_2460 IMG_2461 IMG_2462 IMG_2463    

Simply The Best

I would like to thank Lenovo for my broken X220 laptop, Lenovo again for this terrible X1 Carbon Touchscreen POS with Windows 8 replacement, and all my loyal followers on all the wonderful social media outlets. We have made it! It seems like only 2.5 months ago that I started writing this blog… It has been only 2.5 months. Anyhow, a lot has changed since then and I have happily received plenty of new readers. Therefore, to honor this momentous occasion and catch everyone up on what they have missed, here are the Top 10 posts of all time (as tracked by WordPress).

It’s a celebration bitches!
Here’s to another 2.5 months! 1. WHERE CAN YOU FIND THE BEST CHINESE FOOD IN THE WORLD? FLINT, MOTHERF$@KING, MICHIGAN. DSC00100 2. NO ONE LISTENS TO THE PROFESSOR IMG_0454 3. My Book: Everyone’s Advice Is Wrong (Glad this made the Top 10) IMAG0227 4. PHO SHO: TOP 10 PHO WORLDWIDE IMG_1438 5. #10: RED LIGHT PHO DSC06564 6. ARABS FIGHT OVER WHO MAKES THE BEST KEBAB sun oct29-o5 002 7. About the Author (see you guys do care) DSC00937 8. THE POINTS OF LIFE (not the name of the book nor is it a religious cult) DSC00835 9. THE UGLY HUNGRY AMERICAN DSC06855 10. 30 DAYS TO MALDIVES: STEP 1 (weird the drop off from Step 1 to Step 2) IMG_0374 Honorable Mention goes to “TAXI MY FRIEND?” THAT IS YOUR HINT TO RUN DSC00962 IF YOU DO GO TO A RESTAURANT WHERE WINE IS OUT OF YOUR BUDGET, DRINK BEER!  DSC03315