It’s been a longstanding tradition for me to go somewhere out of the country for New Year’s. The tradition started way back in 2001 when I went to Cancun then the expedition meekly shifted to our great neighbor to the north, Canada.
In 2002, we went to the legendary club Guvernment in Toronto (finally closing after 20 years). To be fair, I was only twenty at the time. After losing my best friends shortly after the NYE countdown, I spent the rest of the night wandering around this monstrosity of a nightclub.
The year after, my best friend Mikey and I went to Montreal for New Years. It was absolutely freezing. Our days consisted of sleep and our nights consisted of drink.
All in all it was a miserably cold, great time. I had the chance to visit Montreal in the summer. I highly recommend deferring till then.
So why do I love Montreal in the winter? The answer can be summarized in one word: guilt. Actually, it is lack of guilt.
The problem with traveling is the guilt that consumes you if you spend all day in bed after staying out all night long. Even with the blackout curtains, you know there is a city to explore, a beach to wade in, and a pool party to…party in?
Prepositional faux pas aside, there must be a strategy for going on vacation, seeing the sites, and partying all night.
Luckily for you, my dear blog readers, I have come up with said strategy. It is called Take Control of Your Vacation and is a philosophy that not only applies to trips but also applies to life. See Part II of my book Everyone’s Advice Is Wrong.
Here are some tips on how to go on a trip, live it up, and avoid that feeling of guilt from not seeing everything you can whether it be the attractions in the day or the atmosphere at night.
Strategy 1: Stay in One City for 3 Nights at the Most.
The original strategy called for staying in a city for only 2 nights. It was geared at partygoers who wanted to travel to many cities in a trip but became fatigued from hopping from city to city. The rationale behind staying two nights is as follows:
Night 1: I just got to this new city, it’s my first night here, I have to go out!
Night 2: It’s my last night in this city, I have to go out!
I have expanded it to 3 nights because there is more to traveling than partying. By applying the 2 night strategy, you can, at the least, go out 2 nights, while saving 1.5 days for seeing the sites. The same rationale applies to tourist attractions. “Oh, I’ll climb the volcano in Bali later on, we have 11 nights here.”
Result: One more FGD drink at Bounty Bar.
Strategy 2: The Big Jambox
Tired, beaten, worn down? Maybe you’ll just hit the snooze and skip out on the day. Maybe you glance over your phone and convince yourself that partly cloudy really means rain so you can give yourself a snow day.
With the same amount of energy that allowed you to check the weather on your phone, turn on Spotify, and play that overplayed vacation theme.
That will immediately get you out of bed, day or night and get you back to doing what you are supposed to be doing- exploring.
Take Control of Your Vacation my friends or visit Montreal or Mongolia in the winter.
A Vacationer’s Guide to Vacation
Do I need to comment? Brazil is synonymous with celebration
The 2014 FIFA World Cup is upon us and I am ready to go. Whether I actually do is another topic altogether. The World Cup highlights the best things in life and therefore encapsulates the whole idea behind ThePointsOfLife.
I will show how my blog is unique section by section, using the World Cup to hit all categories.
1. Points
That word either intrigues you or turns you off to the site. Points lovers and points haters both have expressed the viewpoint that there needs to be more or less emphasis on points in ThePointsOfLife.
As a pointsoholic, I say to the lovers, your wish is my command but caution, as I have always done, that points travel is only Step 1. To the haters, I plead please read the post Living Doesn’t Have to Suck: 5 Myths About Earning Points. In all seriousness, apply for a couple of cards, take one business class flight for free, and if you’re not hooked, I’ll refund you your time. If that doesn’t convince you, skip this section and move on to the rest, guaranteed to be points free.
So what’s the relationship between points and the World Cup? Simple, the World Cup will cost thousands of dollars to attend and flying to Brazil will certainly not be cheap. Furthermore, the World Cup is held in various cities throughout the giant country of Brazil so flying around the country to visit various stadiums will be a big expense.
6. Pho?
Haha, did not get a chance to try it. I welcome a reader’s review.
7. Sport
Obviously, the reason you are going to Brazil in the first place. It will be interesting to see how Brazil handles the record number of people in regards to the security concerns.
I have never been to a match in Brazil but did go to a regular season game in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The hotel recommended that we buy tickets through their vendor and we were escorted via private security at the stadium to avoid the hooligans.
I’m skeptical if security was necessary but the fact that visiting fans are not allowed to attend games made me think twice about not having it.
Living Doesnāt Have to Suck: 5 Myths About Earning Points
The mantra of ThePointsOfLife is Living Doesn’t Have to Suck because it doesn’t. The first step from my book Everyone’s Advice Is Wrong is Enjoy #ThePointsOfLife where I provide an overview of the limitless possibilities of points travel and demonstrate how traveling opens your eyes to new opportunities leaving your cubicle life with much to be desired.
Even though I tell everyone about how easy it is to accumulate points, nobody follows the Points101 guide or comes up with reasons why the points game is not worth their time. Then they fly first class for the first time for next to nothing and are finally believers, posting pics of candy buffets.
The Park Hyatt Sydney and the Case of the Missing Koala
The Park Hyatt Sydney Review is part of the Trip Report: The $77,000 Trip Heard Round the World which covers 5 Continents, 13 Countries, and 17 Cities.
- Tokyo, Japan
- Melbourne, Australia
- Wellington, New Zealand
- Sydney, Australia
- Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Maldives
- Saigon, Vietnam
- Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- Hong Kong
- Cape Town, South Africa
- Knysna, South Africa
- Durban, South Africa
- Mauritius
- Johannesburg, South Africa
- Doha, Qatar
- New York, New York
- Helsinki, Finland
Getting Here: From the website: Sydney domestic and international airports is approximately a 20-minute train trip in to the city, with an approximate cost of A$16 per person. The closest train station to Park Hyatt Sydney is Circular Quay. You can’t miss it once you get to Circular Quay. It’s a short stroll around the harbor.

<==Back to Qantas Lounge & Flight WLG-SYD – Onto Sydney Travel Guide==>
āTaxi my friend?ā The Worst Places to Hail a Cab
Here are the worst places to catch a taxi on Earth!
1. Dubai, UAE: Dubai is tiny yet the drivers are new to the city and have no idea where anything is. If they get on the phone and try to call their colleague to ask where something is, get out. Should I take Sheikh Zayed Road or go through the city?
Result: The pretended not to speak English, so I too pretended not to speak English and got out paying what I thought was reasonable, less 10 percent. Not Robbed.
2. Doha, Qatar: Dubai and Doha are as close to Iraq, the land of my ancestors, as I have been. Nevertheless, I knew when I was in trouble when I heard, “Cousin, I just started my shift and I have no change.”
Result: Robbed
3. Istanbul, Turkey: “Istanbul has too much traffic so I’m not going to be able to use the meter. I’ll have to charge you a flat rate.” It took forever to hail this taxi so I had no choice but to agree.
Of course when I came to the hotel, the Hilton Istanbul, I renegotiated the price then asked for the bellman to back me up.
Result: Not Robbed
4. Shanghai, China: Another excerpt from my book illustrates a problem with taking taxis in China.
I later discovered that hotels have a completely different name in Mandarin than English. Saying “Le Royal Méridien” over and over, softly or loudly, while banging on the protective glass that safeguards taxi drivers from psychotic tourists, is completely useless when the hotel is called “Shang Hai Shi Mao Huang Jia Ai Mei Jiu Dian” or上海世茂皇家艾美酒店in Mandarin characters. Even if the driver could read English, he still would have been confused because there was nothing in the Mandarin name that was remotely close to the word “Méridien”. My apologies to the taxi driver wherever he may be. (Probably working right now, as they work 14 hour shifts with only one day of rest) Quick advice: for those traveling to China, print the directions and the name of the hotel in Mandarin characters and make sure your phone is capable of displaying them as ‘square boxes’ is not Mandarin.
Result: Unsure
5. Bangkok, Thailand: “If I come one day and there is no traffic, then I tell you there is no more Bangkok,” the taxi driver told me. Ever since then I have repeated that line to taxi drivers who tell me, “Today there is too much traffic.” Another trick I perfected is to sit in the front seat next to the driver and when he says, “Sorry no meter,” I react by turning the meter on myself. That usually gets a good laugh from the driver who now takes me where I want to go at the meter price. However, I’d be a little hesitant of messing with the wrong driver.
Result: Use my method at your own risk to not get robbed/killed.
6. Colombo, Sri Lanka: A tuk tuk with a meter? How could this be? Coming from Bangkok where tuk tuks are notorious for ripping off tourists regardless of their travel acumen, I was surprised to see a meter within this hybrid taxi.
Result: Surprisingly not robbed.
7. Goa, India: “Very busy today, my friend.” There must be a union of taxi drivers from India, Thailand, and Turkey that all were trained to use this same line. Northern Goa is not that big but because it is a party area, it does have a lot of traffic. More traffic equals hire fares whether or not you are traveling with your Indian compadre, Anshuman.
Result: Threatened to be beaten with a stick, paid the fare.
*List is subject to amendments and additions.
Top PiƱa Coladas on Earth
For my alcoholics and people in need of instant satisfaction, here are the Top 8 places, then the not Top 2 places to get (in pictures of course) the ultimate masculine drink based strictly on flavor and delivery, not scenery.
1. Seychelles
2. Miami, Florida
3. Nassau, Bahamas
4. Las Vegas, Nevada
4. Cartagena, Colombia
5. Budva, Montenegro
6. Phoenix, Arizona
7. Mauritius
8. Maldives
Dishonorable mention:
1. Sihanoukville, Cambodia
2. Bocas del Toro, Panama
#8: Pho-nix Hotness
Welcome to Phoenix, home to 120 degrees dry heat summers.
Dry heat is a great marketing scam. Here’s what Phoenix really feels like:
Picture getting into your car only to be burned by the metal of the seatbelt, drenched with sweat from an air conditioner that blows marginally cold despite being on full blast, all the while wondering how you ended up in this sunny hell.
What goes better with a broken thermostat than a hot bowl of pho? The answer is another bowl of pho.
If you are looking to enjoy the benefits of a steam room while enjoying some of the best pho worldwide, come to Phoenix in the middle of July. You have two quality choices for pho, both equally refreshing during a scorching hot day.
1. Noodles Ranch
Noodles Ranch is located in Scottsdale and is my home away from home when I am in need of a quality bowl. My usual booth is informally reserved for me at the back left of the restaurant. Here you will find the friendly owner André doing it all- prepping the pho in the back to waiting on guests in the front. What sets Noodles Ranch apart from all of the pho mentioned in this Top 10 list is the focus on healthy eating. The beef cuts are lean, the broth is not oily, and the flavor is not lost.
2. Pho Thanh
Pho Thanh is a traditional pho restaurant. You won’t find any frills or anything fancy in this place. What you will find is a jam packed room of pho lovers including the local Vietnamese community, the curious first comers, and me, the pho king himself.
Pho Thanh serves as a much needed pho detox following a night out on the town as it is both casual and inexpensive. The authenticity of the pho is tough to beat and the lack of AC only enhances the genuine pho experience.
Fortunately, Pho Thanh promptly opens at 8:30am; no doubt due to the unbearable Arizona heat. Actually, because of a similar hot climate in Vietnam, pho, unknown to most, is a breakfast meal.
Everyone Likes Top Ten Lists
Even I, the angry professor, find myself clicking on those terribly captioned articles, “top 100 places to go before you die.” Whenever I do click on them, I realize that I have been to virtually none of them and probably will never to go to any of them making me more depressed than impressed.
#28, a private island with a restaurant underwater. Wait, I did go the Maldives.
Regardless, top ten lists of any kind always get people talking and clicking. So, I, in an effort to not conform will also put my own spin on some top 7 lists.
Of course, we have to start with the 5 greatest rapper of all time:
The Cost of Roaming
Final Score: Savvy Beer Drinkers 100 – Benihana 0