Quest Interview is part of the Quest Around the Globe Trip Report.
There’s a reason this trip report is called Quest Around the Globe. It all began in Vegas with an unexpected interview with Richard Quest for CNN’s Business Traveller. The point of the interview was to discuss how I traveled around the world flying first for free. Ironically, my flight from Montana, paid for by CNN, was aboard the incomparable Allegiant Air.
Hair & Makeup
Upon arriving, my first stop after the Centurion Lounge was a last-minute run to the barbershop. This proved to be a mistake as the stylist took too much off the top.
TPOL’s TIP: When appearing on international TV, make sure you are groomed ahead of time.
After a good night’s rest at the Westin, I made my way to the Mandalay Bay for the interview. Originally, the interview was supposed to be filmed while walking down Fremont Street but the crowds made that logistically impossible (see Busted? Go to Fremont Street Vegas). At the Mandalay, I expected a makeup artist to prep me to look my best to go on international TV. That did not happen.
TPOL’s TIP: I don’t have one for makeup.
Cast & Crew
The crew consisted of the producer and the cameraman. The cast was Mr. Quest. He is exactly like what you would expect him to be: a happy, outgoing, and easy going guy.
Interview Prep
Before the interview started, we talked about travel in general and took some photos to document the occasion. We sat at the interview table, and Richard gave me an overview of the format. Moments later, the interview began.
The Interview
I didn’t have prepared notes for the interview, but I did have a rough idea about what I was going to speak about. It went on for about a half-hour. Obviously, most of it was cut, but it was casual and a great time.
The Highlight
By far the highlight of the interview was when Richard asked if he was an idiot for hoarding his points. My immediate answer was yes.
The Blackberry
Despite not heeding my warnings of their impending doom (see Everyone’s Advice Is Wrong…Except Mine to Blackberry), I still have a Blackberry. Do you know who else did?
An International Celebrity
The best part of being on Global Business Traveller was being able to watch the clip over and over and over again when I was in Russia. It started with the first airing when I was staying at the Radisson with the Sauna and continued through Cyprus and Jordan.
The Blowback
A topic I did not want to get into was manufactured spending and made it a point not to bring it up because, quite frankly, it’s not my area of expertise (see I’m Done with Manufactured Spending & End of MS Means Get Your Life Together). To juice the interview, CNN put in a diagram in the video clip about how to MS. It was nothing that wasn’t already known, but the comments against me were swift and they were harsh, especially on FlyerTalk (see Flyertalk Readers Don’t Get My Humor). As a blogger hardened by a waterfall of angry comments, I am more prepared for the blowback of the angry mob and love responding to them in kind (see Happy Festivus! Airing of Blog). But back then, in real-time, I was actually surprised at the vitriol I received and even tried to explain my innocence to the angry mob. What a waste of time that was.

The Follow-Up Article
I was a bit shocked when CNN wrote a follow-up article on the clip, not because it wasn’t fantastic but because they made up this detail about me: “But as those minimum spends are far higher than the average person’s daily expenses, Bachuwa racks in the points through ‘manufactured spending.’” Damn media.
The Rerun
Months after my return, the clip was once again on CNN International. I had friends calling me saying, “Did I just see you on TV?” That was more in line with what I was expecting.
But Where’s the Clip?
For those who have not seen TPOL’s claim to fame, the highlight of my blog, and my 5 minutes of fame and infamy, here it is.
This was the best experience in my life as a blogger.
Want More of TPOL and Quest?
TPOL needs to be on TV more often. Contact your local TV provider and say you want more of TPOL and Quest. But if you want to read more about my experience here are all the links surrounding this momentous achievement:
- TPOL on Quest CNN Business Traveller!
- Welcome CNN Business Traveller Viewers!
- Out of Context? My CNN Interview
- The CNN Business Traveller Clip! Now Playing
- TPOL Replay on CNN Business Traveller!

Never could’ve expected your voice sounding douchier than what I have imagined.
Another internet tough guy. About an douchey as your comment?
Tough girl, yes! Even your grammatical errors are douchey!
Ha, let me know when you want to zoom your thoughts more extensively.
This is what you get when two douchebags get together. Cringe
If only you would’ve been there, maybe there would be 3.