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Saturday, February 8, 2025
HomeLOUNGE REVIEWSAir ChinaAir China Business Class Lounge Beijing: Out of the Cold, Into the...

Air China Business Class Lounge Beijing: Out of the Cold, Into the Smog

This is part of the Trip Report So Long Mongolia, Hello SE Asia (December-January 2015) which covers:

Catch up by reading the preview, The Banana Pancake Trail to Myanmar Starts This Monday, then the overview, Thailand, Myanmar, Hong Kong, Disney, Home, where the game time decision was made to leave Mongolia for good.

If the appropriate adjective to describe Mongolia is dreary, then the correct adjective to describe Beijing is smoggy. If you somehow manage to make it past the blinding fog and sneak your way past the immigration queue at the Peking Airport then make your way to the Air China Business Class Lounge Beijing.

There you will find all the goodies that every lounge should have. What else is there to say?

air china business class lounge beijing
Welcome to the Air China Business Class Lounge Beijing
air china business class lounge beijing
It’s nice because it’s a mezzanine overlooking the terminal
air china business class lounge beijing
View of the Wing @gary
food on a counter in a restaurant
That’s me taking pics of the food while I get weird looks.
a trays of food in a buffet
Fried rice yay, shrimp unheated, nay
a bowl of dumplings
Dumplings yay
a bottle of wine on a table
Worst wine in the world, nay
a wine bottle on a counter
Unmanned bar, yay

<==Back to Air China Business from MongoliaOnto Bangkok on Air China Business==>



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