I’ll file this one under Punxsutawney TPOL, the directory of trips I say I’ll take but do not because of COVID. The latest in the world of imaginary adventures includes a gorilla trekking safari in the DRC. While watching a game between Chelsea and Arsenal, I saw the advertisement that said ‘Rwanda Is Open.’ As the game was played at Emirates Stadium, my mind also started to contemplate the possibilities of where I could go in Africa by routing through the Middle East. Due to the value of AA points, I would not be routing through Dubai but would go through Doha on Qatar, a business class product that I have not flown since The $77,000 Trip Heard Round the World.
I went to BA’s website and could not believe the availability to Doha and beyond in business. I went to Kayak’s COVID website and saw that it was manageable to go to DRC, Rwanda, and Uganda. Then I went to visit.virunga.org and saw how easy it was to book a package (contrast How to Book a Trip to Bhutan). Like Bhutan, obtaining a visa, a persistent problem for me (see Visas), is also arranged through the outfitter.
All set for an impulse buy, I almost put the itinerary on hold, an admittedly bold move. Then I started reading about the COVID protocols for Virunga. Namely, if someone tests positive for COVID he/she will not be able to go on the trek. This reminded me of my Malaria/food poisoning incident in Maasa Mara (see Malaria Or Food Poisoning? Day 2 Safari Ruined). Frozen again, I closed Internet Explorer and went back to the Stone Age of accepting that TPOL’s adventures are on hold forever.
This morning I awoke to an email from Visit Virugna outlining the details of the itinerary. At a cost of $2000, it includes a gorilla trek and an overnight hike up Nyiragongo Volcano. Maybe I should risk it. At this point, I know nothing except that I still have my sense of adventure and that I am happy to have done so much before this damn virus upended my lifestyle (see 11 Reasons Why I Still Don’t Want to Travel).
Preemptory Response to Annoying Comments: For those that have left their basement during COVID, don’t tell me your trip to Croatia and Tulum count as travel and that COVID requirements aren’t a big deal. That is not travel. That is child’s play.

I went back in 2010 and loved the experience. Nyiragongo was a must. I don’t know how it is nowadays but back then a DRC visa was required and I had to send my passport to the DRC embassy which took a month to process. Good luck if you go and stay safe.
I should’ve written that in there. It’s actually easy to get a DRC visa if you book a stay at the park. You don’t have to go through the normal channel.
Brazil was awesome
Again, that’s not comparable. You went to one country where your activities were not regulated by testing positive. Go to Brazil during Carnaval like I did and maybe then you can chime in.
Sounds awful. No thanks.
Yeah, you’re not a traveler either. You’re a pampered baby. Ugh!
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Traveled around Uganda in June.
I wouldn’t recommend. Not because of Covid, but because… Uganda.
Namibia, Zambia, Kenya, Tanzania, even Botswana. Much better options.
been enjoying many months here in Africa – will be sad to leave.
Already been to all of those except Namibia.
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I’m vaccinated and could care less about breakthrough cases.
Going to assume you didn’t actually read my post. Otherwise, your comment makes no sense.