Bill Pay Sundays: Every Sunday, TPOL peddles for money by promoting products that I use and recommend to my readers. In exchange, I get paid a referral fee. Last week, I pitched MuscleEgg as the best way to get in shape. Today I am promoting TRX Ropes as the best way to workout on the road. Right now, you will receive 20% off of everything on TRX’s site using code SAVE20.
Hi there, are you a large person? Pleasantly plump? A little on the hefty side perhaps? Or, let’s face it, are you fat? Well now you can eat all you want…
Tall And Fat stores notwithstanding, there is a way to look good while you’re on the road for work or vacation. If you’ve had too many hot dogs in Delta Sky Club or if you live in Mongolia where gyms are a bit behind the times, please consult my Expat’s Guide to Exercise. In it, you’ll notice that I list TRX ropes as an option for staying in shape while on vacation.

I bought my first set of TRX ropes ten years ago and still use them today when I travel as a great substitute for a limited hotel gym or when I’m in need of a makeshift workout before a bungalow selfie in Tahiti.

So if you’re looking to stay in shape while traveling or if you’re a vain narcissist looking to capture your Romanesque beauty while in Tahiti, pick up a pair of TRX ropes today. And don’t forget to drink your MuscleEgg.