45 Minute Time Difference is part of the ANA, Take Me ‘Round the World Trip Report.
I wrote about how stupid daylight savings is (see No Daylight Savings in Puerto Rico! Literally, When Will the US Catch Up?). I struggle with time zones all the time. I call clients in the US at 11AM, 11PM in Shanghai, (see TPOL in Shanghai) only to hang up thinking it is also night there. Obviously, that makes no sense. I get confused if I’m too early or if I’m too late when I schedule phone conferences when someone is in Pacific time and I’m in Puerto Rican time. Welcome to Kathmandu, where the time difference is X + 45 minutes. What purpose does this serve but to specifically mess with me? It may not create jet lag but it is certainly confusing.
TPOL’s Update: Originally I said it was X + 30. It’s actually X + 45. This further proves how stupid and confusing it is.

IIRC, they do that for political reasons!
Maybe it’s because their neighbor, India, has a permanent time zone of x+30 minutes. Perhaps they want to have a coordinated time with India?
India is at x+30 minutes. Nepal is actually 15minutes ahead of India, so at x+45 minutes.
Stupidity knows no bounds indeed. Nepal is 5:45 ahead of of GMT, not 5:30- that’s India.
FYI- it’s mainly a political move to highlight that Nepal is not part of India
Are you calling me stupid? ha