Macedonia, TPOL’s 100th Country, is part of the #NoCollusion, No Albania for TPOL where I break my 100 country count mark. See the World Map for where I’ve been.

My 50th country wasn’t a real country. It was actually Turkey in Asia. But it counts in my book (see Is Hawaii a Country?). Fittingly, my 100th country is a real country, and it is one where my namesake comes from. Alexander the Great was born in Pella which used to be part of Ancient Macedonia and is now a part of Greece. The debate of whether he is Greek or Macedonian is not one I will get involved in. In Skopje, the capital of Macedonia, it is clear where they think Alexander is from.
Interestingly, he died in Babylon, the country where my ancestors come from. Regardless, the goal of reaching 100 countries has been met. I don’t know if I’ll get to 200 as there are places I really do not care to visit (see I Don’t Want to Visit Every Country). That doesn’t mean that I’m slowing down. I still plan on going to many new places. My new focus is to split my time between Puerto Rico and a new country each year (see Vote Where TPOL Moves in December (For Real This Time)), while exploring surrounding areas.
I wonder which country will be #150? Maybe Iraq.
Congratulation Alex on this huge milestone!
Keep up the good writing & have a happy Turkey (the kind that gobbles) day!
Same to you.
Should have picked a s***hole country for #100…in honor of your buddy DJT. 🙂
Can you call my office? I have a report I need to issue. Might want to bring your lawyer, too.
(congrats on the centennial!)
Please contact my new attorney, Mr. Sessions.
You should visit Dalmatia for your 101st.
Already been