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Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeTrip DirectoryPunxsutawney TPOLNo More Mobile Gym No Matter What

No More Mobile Gym No Matter What

No Mobile Gym is part of the Punxsutawney TPOL Trip Report.

I used to bring TRX with me when I traveled. I would do it the first two days and feel good about myself. The rest of the time, it would take up valuable space in my carry-on (see What to Pack: Take 1/4 of the Clothes, 1/2 the Money). For a while, I decided that working out at all on vacation was pointless. The problem with no exercise is that I end my trip feeling uncomfortable from seeing all my muscles turn to mush. During this trip, I thought I would give the mobile gym another shot. It was a complete failure. I used the ropes once in the beginning of my trip at the Hyatt Regency Chicago. The rest of the time, the equipment was here:

a bag with a backpack and rings

I can’t work out in the hotel room, and I refuse to work out at hotel gyms. The problem remains: how can I stay relatively healthy while I am gone (see A Holiday of Healthy, Tipsy, & on Budget? Basically Impossible)?



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