Canary, Cabo Verde is part of Still The Best Trip Report.
The villa remodel has held me hostage longer than Covid. Now, I’m in the perpetual stage of ‘it’s almost done.’ Refusing to let summer pass me by, I made the wise decision to book a flight and hope that everything is done before I go. Still seeking to add countries to my Zoomable Map List (see 126 Countries Left, If I Go), I am going to Cabo Verde. Seeking to add countries to my TCC list, I’m going to the Canary Islands. From there I plan on going to Senegal and perhaps other western African countries before heading to India to reunite with my IQKhameleon brand ambassador.
The flight in business to the Canary Islands was only 51,000 Avios and $129 from Puerto Rico because of Amex’s 30% transfer bonus. The retail price of the flight is $11,100!