How many times do you call recon after you get rejected? Once, twice, three times a lady? I was rejected for a new Alaska Airlines card and thought surely there must be a mistake. This application was prompted following my botched attempt at maximizing the Citi Gold checking account. I called first thing after I completed the application online. I called again a couple of weeks later to see if anything had changed. I called again today to try it one last time.
Persistence can pay off as it did with my Wells Fargo application. This time the answer was a resounding no reiterated in Spanish, English, and French, “No, no, no, entiendes Senor churner?” Yes, I understand BOA but the name is TPOL.
With that I’m going to hold off on churning for a while. I’ll emerge like Punxsutawney Phil right before the Chase 5/24 deadline goes into effect for one more glorious run at #thepointslife. In the mean time, it’s back to the art of Trip Report writing. I’ll start by finishing off the undisputed greatest award booking, the $77,000 Trip Heard Round the World.
Don’t forget, Prof TPOL is available round the clock via the new chat feature to answer any of our questions about churning, MS, and travel.

What is the current state of getting multiple Alaska Airlines personal cards? Can I get multiple in one day with the two browser trick? Or can I get one every three months? I’ve never had any Alaska cards, but am looking to get a few in a short period of time.
Only one way to find out! If you get instant approval for one then it’s probably easier to get apply for another and then call recon to discuss why you need two.