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Sunday, February 16, 2025
HomePointsComplainingAmex Shutdown? Remedy & Going Forward

Amex Shutdown? Remedy & Going Forward

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DoC wrote American Express Shutting Out Some People’s Accounts For Using No-Lifetime-Language Offers. Whether this is legally permissible is up for debate. Amex tries to protect itself by using the catch-all rule, “If you applied for one or more cards to obtain a welcome offer(s) that we did not intend for you,” then we can rescind the offer.

As a consumer lawyer (Submit an Inquiry if you have been shut down), I obviously disagree with Amex’s retaliation. Amex should do its due diligence in not issuing the points in the first place, not to mention the fact that Amex made transaction fees based on the purchases that gave rise to the bonus.

Ultimately, I don’t think this lifetime language is going to be around much longer. With a pending recession, these banks will have to be less restrictive with their approval process (see We Need Another Recession).

Have you been shutdown? Do something about it! Contact Bachuwa Law.


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  1. This why I read your blog… you’re an actual lawyer that actually wants to foght back against these companies making up their own rules. Thank you.

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