Aloft Bangkok: Accept No Substitutes

This is part of the Trip Report So Long Mongolia, Hello SE Asia (December-January 2015) which covers:

Catch up by reading the preview, The Banana Pancake Trail to Myanmar Starts This Monday, then the overview, Thailand, Myanmar, Hong Kong, Disney, Home, where the game time decision was made to leave Mongolia for good.
Getting There: Take a metered taxi. The SkyTrain is inconvenient and not worth the nominal savings.
First come the pictures, then come the words:
a street with buildings and cars
The mighty Sukhumvit 11
aloft bangkok hotel review
Welcome to the Aloft Bangkok.
aloft bangkok hotel review
The holidays in Bangkok have become a tradition.
aloft bangkok hotel review
The welcome drink mojito for platinums.
aloft bangkok hotel review
Aloft being aloft.
aloft bangkok hotel review
A touch of Thai on the headboard.
aloft bangkok hotel review
Super comfy aloft bed.
aloft bangkok hotel review
Super comfy aloft shower.
aloft bangkok hotel review
Super arty.
aloft bangkok hotel review
Festive pillows.
aloft bangkok hotel review
Singha + Twix
aloft bangkok hotel review
Rooftop pool
aloft bangkok hotel review
It faces the wrong way so there’s not a lot of sun.
aloft bangkok hotel review
View from the room. Ready to take on Bangkok by night.
aloft bangkok hotel review
Breakfast buffet to take on Bangkok by day.
aloft bangkok hotel review
aloft bangkok hotel review
Until next time Aloft Bangkok!
Aloft, part of Starwood Hotels & Resorts, is my favorite everyday hotel chain. Aloft Bangkok is one of my favorite hotels in the world, but why? First, the price: It costs around $100 per night, 3000 SPG points for weekend nights, or 4000 for the weekday. Second, the location: Sukhumvit Soi 11: Right in the middle of the action in Bangkok is Sukhumvit Soi 11. Food is all around, bars as far as the eye can see, and for those too lazy to leave the hotel, there’s even an attached overpriced nightclub. If you’re coming from the airport, take a taxi to the hotel. The savings from the SkyTrain aren’t worth the hassle of changing trains and dragging your luggage down Sukhumvit. Third, the service: There are plenty of SPG hotels in Bangkok including the stunning W Bangkok but the service of Aloft is on par with all of them. The front desk is friendly and accommodating and the bellman does his best to get you a metered taxi though that can be impossible to find. Fourth, the pool: Bangkok is nuts. Sometimes you want to relax and do nothing. The pool is facing the wrong direction so it doesn’t get plenty of sun during most of the day. Fifth, the gym (not pictured). If you are feeling in good enough spirits, the gym has plenty of equipment to keep you going. Sixth, the breakfast: Platinums get an over-the-top breakfast buffet that rivals those of 4-star hotels. Well worth waking up for or passing out from. Seventh, the welcome drink. It’s a legit delicious mojito or Long Island. Eighth, the room. Standard Aloft room with coffee maker and infinity shower. Two essentials for stays in Bangkok. Like this review, staying at the Aloft Bangkok is as straightforward as it gets. What you chose to do after leaving the hotel is a bit more complicated.

<==Back to Air China PEK-BKK in BusinessOnto Guns & Butter: Bangkok Travel Guide==>


Free Advice on Amazon Kindle

Now through Sunday the book with perfect reviewsEveryone’s Advice Is Wrong is available on Kindle for the obscene price of $0.00. I only ask that you write your own candid review in return. It doesn’t have to be as great as the one below if you feel differently. Click here to buy for free. Capture

Guns & Butter: Rio de Janeiro Travel Guide

This is a special edition of the Travel Guide as it commemorates one the most fantastic travel experiences, Rio de Janeiro Carnival. (Carnaval en Português) Though the experience was different, the formula for what to do when I arrived in this new city remained the same: Guns & Butter.

  • A trip is composed of two factors: Labor And Lazy
  • Anything on the line (Production Possibilities Frontier for my fellow economists) is an efficient use of your time depending on your tastes and preferences.
  • Anything inside the line is inefficient as should be avoided.
  • Anything outside is aspirational but may be impossible to do given the constraints of time and resources.
  • The opportunity cost (what is given up) for relaxing and being Lazy is gained by being adventurous in the form of Labor and vice versa.
Capture   Let’s start the guide with the Carnaval Parade and I’ll explain to you via an excerpt from my book, why it requires Labor: Nothing is more emblematic of embellishment than the Carnaval celebration in Brazil. Carnaval is a festival that takes place every year to mark the beginning of Lent. To commemorate the transition from excess to abstinence, the country hosts street parades, exclusive balls, and round-the-clock beach parties. The climax of the splurge is the Carnaval Samba Parade held in Rio de Janeiro, a competition where rival samba schools vie for the title of best school by designing their own costumes, decorating elaborate floats, and perfecting their dance choreography as part of an overall theme. It’s fair to say that it is slightly more risqué than the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. Ninety thousand people watch the event live at the Sambódromo, while hundreds of thousands throughout multiple countries tune in from home. Celebrities from around the world pay top dollar for luxury suites to partake in the revelry. In fact, in 2011, three-time Super Bowl winner and fellow Michigan alum Tom Brady sat front row in a VIP box and, by all accounts, had a fantastic time. Before going to Rio, my best friend, Michael Jeries, (hereon referred to as Mikey) and I researched parade ticket prices hoping to find great seats. To my amazement, I discovered that instead of just watching the parade, tourists can actually be in it! By corresponding with a local samba school in Rio via e-mail, writing in both Spanish and English, hoping the combination would magically translate into Portuguese, I somehow arranged for a courier to drop off the costumes at our hotel the day of the parade. Our school’s theme was global warming, and the costumes we purchased were supposed to be Eskimos. What we received was some over-the-top outfit consisting of a skintight white gown with requisite pieces of flair along with a bunch of silver balls and feathers coming out of the head dress. Unable to make sense of the costume, we questioned if what we had purchased was authentic. Reminded of the saying “When in Rio…” Mikey and I put on our dresses and headed to the Sambódromo, hoping that we were not victims of an elaborate prank. Somehow we located our school and breathed a huge sigh of relief when we came across other participants also cloaked in this odd interpretation of Eskimo garb. A few caipirinhas and a couple Skol beers later, we mustered the courage to dance in the middle of the Sambódromo, doing our best imitation of the samba while trying not to cost our school, Portela, the title. We also, más o menos, sang along to our school’s theme song, “Oh so agua so ao…so Portela!” Our school finished a respectable third, undoubtedly a result of our efforts. a rio de janeiro carnival rio de janeiro carnival rio de janeiro carnival rio de janeiro carnival a rio de janeiro carnival So that’s Carnaval. Still have energy to go on? Let’s switch our focus to the other side of the spectrum, Lazy. In Rio, that can only mean one thing: the beach. Two of the most popular beaches in the world are Copacabana and Ipanema. Ipanema is a bit nicer but a bit more expensive. It’s funny that this is the case because they are directly adjacent to one another with only a bluff of rocks keeping them apart.
rio de janeiro carnival
Copacabana Beach
rio de janeiro carnival
Ipanema Beach
rio de janeiro carnival
More Ipanema
rio de janeiro carnival
The Beach can still turn into Labor by day during Carnaval
rio de janeiro carnival
The same is true by night
One thing worth mentioning as evidenced by the pictures is that Rio experiences a lot of rain during the two most popular times to visit: New Years and Carnaval.
rio de janeiro carnival
Though the sun does come out eventually as do the interesting food vendors.
rio de janeiro carnival The food worth trying on the beach besides the Khaled’s treats include the grilled cheese and the fresh coconuts. Stay away from the shrimp as I’ve heard many horror stories. Furthermore be wary in Copacabana beach for obscene charges for beach chairs. Always ask before sitting down and assuming it will be cheap. rio de janeiro carnival rio de janeiro carnival After too many days at the beach, it’s time to explore Rio by visiting the must see spots. We actually booked our sightseeing tour cleverly on the day we were departing, thereby affording us more time at the beach. This included stops at the following by level of difficulty:
  • Sugarloaf Mountain
  • Tijuca Rainforest
  • Christ the Redeemer
Sugarloaf Mountain  Sugarloaf is easy because it’s a cable car to the top and back. Enjoy the view and take pics. rio de janeiro carnival rio de janeiro carnival rio de janeiro carnival Tijuca Forest The amount of Labor to Lazy in exploring the forest is up to you. A driver can take you to all the nice spots for photo opportunities. Conversely, you could run, hike, bike throughout the forest. Just be sure not to get lost come nightfall as was the case for a few tourists who needed rescuing. rio de janeiro carnival
rio de janeiro carnivalT
Tijuca waterfall
rio de janeiro carnival
Close enough
rio de janeiro carnival Christ the Redeemer  By far the most iconic landmark in Rio, Christ the Redeemer is worth the pilgrimage.
rio de janeiro carnival
Capturing that perfect postcard pic makes it the most Labor intensive.
rio de janeiro carnival
The view from the top makes it worth the trouble of fighting the crowds.
What I didn’t do:  I didn’t go on a Favela tour. The tour takes you through the poorest parts of Rio and gives visitors a glimpse of what life is like for the many impoverished residents of Brazil. The history, culture, and story behind favelas are worth researching and understanding. I’m torn as to whether one should sign up for a tour. On the one hand, it could be an eye-opening experience and the proceeds from the tour goes to helping those living in the favela. On the other, it seems discourteous to treat the lives of others as something of an attraction. I leave it to you to decide. What I missed: Going to Rio during Carnaval means sleep is not a luxury nor is time. I wasn’t able to do a few notable things that I will have to go back and try. These include:
  • Hand gliding
  • A soccer game at Maracana Stadium
  • More partying at Scala Balls
A word on safety:  I had zero issues when I was in Rio. We went to the beach, the bars, and the parade and had no trouble. I will say that I was on high alert and was aware of my surroundings.
rio de janeiro carnival
Hand glide if you have the time.
rio de janeiro carnival
See a game Maracana Stadium if you’re lucky to be there when the national team is playing.
rio de janeiro carnival
Scala Ball
rio de janeiro carnival
Or just stick to street parties and bring your Mickey gloves

I’ve Got [E]Mail!


Finally, after almost a year of fumbling around with different host providers TPOL has an email address, alexander at So send all your spam, award booking, travel questions, and whatever else my way. Now to put an icon on my page…

Now I need a Benz
Now to get a Benz…

3 Point NBA All Star Weekend NYC

NBA All-Star Weekend 2015 is taking place in NYC and Brooklyn with the usual events including the Rising Stars Challenge (garbage), the Celebrity game (boring), the Skills Challenge (Is Steve Nash participating again), the Dunk Contest (where Kenny will say it’s all over from a snooze jam), and my favorite, the Three-Point Contest. All of this culminates with the NBA All-Star Game hosted at the Mecca of basketball arenas, Madison Square Garden. Every month either Citi or SPG sends me ways to get behind the scenes by going to culinary events and music festivals. For me, these seemĀ like a waste of points. With the exclusivity and impossibility of getting tickets to NBA All Star events (the game itself isn’t even on sale to the general public), I wonder why brands such as those mentioned do not provide a points package inclusive of tickets to some of the events. The marketing of points and hoops is self-evident and I’m sure they could think of a more catchy title than 3 Point Weekend. So SPG, if you’re out there listening and you need someone to go to NBA All-Star Weekend 2016 in Toronto and promote the brand, I’m your man. For the record, I’m taking Marco Belinelli to win the 3 Point Contest presented by SPG Foot Locker. nba all star weekend nyc

Southwest Devaluation: Gotta Get Away

This is the intro to the Trip Report,Ā The Southwest Companion Pass: Round 3, which focuses on burning SWA RapidReward points after their confusing devaluation. I kick it off with this overview:Ā A Wedding in Scottsdale: Saying ā€œI Doā€ to PointsĀ 
Imaginary trip planning is one of my favorite hobbies because I get to fantasize about where I can go. The problem with the points game is transitioning from being a curator of points, putting them on display for all to see, and heeding sound advice: Shut Up and Book! Luckily, airlines and hotels intervene by way of devaluations, incidentally freeing us of our hoarding ways. Though weĀ gripe and groan about the injustice of making free becoming less free, we really should be thanking the power players for encouraging us toĀ get away. Those who are paranoid of the devaluationĀ who plan tomorrow’s vacation today realize the greatest dividends in the points biosphere (see $77,000 Trip Heard Round the World). Those who preemptively book following news of a devaluation find themselves on an unanticipated adventure (see Round the World Dividends from the Geographically Challenged). Which brings us to Southwest Airlines who announced they are going to essentially freestyle their awards chart. So what do we do? Tweet at Southwest that bags and humans should both fly free? No. We should imaginary trip plan. And if anyone’s interested here’s what I’ve come up with. The Mission: burn 87,244 SWA points. The Target: complete the following Trip Report: The Southwest Companion Pass Round 3 (see Round 1 & Round 2) by going to:
  • Punta Cana, Dominican Republic
  • Montego Bay, Jamaica
  • Mexico City, Mexico
  • Las Vegas, Nevada
  • Belize City, Belize*
That will add three more to the Country Count ListĀ and take me to Mexico City, a place I’ve wanted to visit for a long time. The Plan: I’m assuming somehow I’ll be in the neighborhood of Chicago when I begin and that before April 17th, Belize will be a destination of Southwest.

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southwest devaluation
The Proposed Itinerary
Devaluation? I think not.

Ā Onto ‘A Wedding in Scottsdale: Saying ā€œI Doā€ to Points’==>


UnFare-Gate And the DOT


This silly story won’t go away or maybe I, along with many others won’t let it go. Unless you’ve been living in Denmark, you probably are aware that the mistake fares which provided a golden chariot from London to the US for next to nothing was cancelled by United. Readers grew irritable that I poked fun at the obscene amount of blog coverage the story received. Perspective was lost as people were up in arms that serious blogging is about addressing the issue at hand not classless buzzfeed headlines. Though it is doubtful those readers are reading this, I would like to invoke a famous State Farm employee’s words and say R-E-L-A-X. As is the case with State Farm’s counterpart, Mr. Brady, Un-Fare Gate won’t go away. United is blaming it on the equipment Forex manager saying that it was a third-party who incorrectly stated the conversion of Denmark Krones to USD. Therefore they are within their legal rights to cancel all reservations made as a consequence of said error. You purchased a ticket through the Danish version of during the time when the prices were incorrect. As a result, we are not able to honor your ticket at the price that you paid. Not since George Soros almost bankrupted the Bank of England has a Forex miscalculation gone so awry. Fluctuation in currency occur at the smallest of levels (called pips for fellow traders) so it is unthinkable that such an egregious and elementary mistake could have been made. It’s my contention that United should have honored the fares and held this third-party group of imbeciles liable for the error of their ways. I must have put a decimal point in the wrong place or something. Shit. I always do that. I always mess up some mundane detail. -Michael Bolton of  United’s 3rd Party Sacrificial Lamb  So where do we go from here? Well, ThePointsGuy offers directions on how to file a complaint with the DOT which is what I did. Why? Because sometimes we make mistakes booking a ticket and we call and cancel and plead our case  only to hear that we still have to pay a change fee. Let them feel our frustration for a change (pun intended) even if it is on a much grander scale.

WTF United, I want to see Piccadilly
WTF United, I want to see Piccadilly



Why Is New York So Expensive?

When I’m not breaking the Internet by announcing fake breaking news that people have taken too seriously (please post your angry comments on that thread), I, much to my chagrin, have to travel for work. Next month, my duty as an officer of the court takes me to New York City. New York is not my favorite city in the world, it’s not even in my top ten. (So much for no controversy.) Why don’t I like New York as much as other big cities like Shanghai, Hong Kong, Cape Town, Bangkok, or Flint, Michigan? The reason is that New York is unreasonably expensive. While hotels in similarly posh cities like Singapore or Tokyo charge just as much for the rooms, the level of quality is beyond compare. Check into any SPG hotel with platinum status in Asia and the room upgrade is over the top (see W Doha). Check into an SPG in New York and due to availability the chances of securing an upgrade are far less promising. In my experience, the same is true across all big brands though I’ll hold out judgment on Hyatt till after my stay at the Park Hyatt NYC. Besides the false sense of entitlement of status being overlooked, my real issue is why isn’t there just a solid Aloft Manhattan Downtown that is reasonably priced? That way I can do my work, stay comfortably, and save the cash and points for unprofessional trips… Well I’ll be… Depending on the nightly rate, maybe I won’t hate New York so much after all. As luck would have it, the Aloft Manhattan Downtown opens a week after I leave.

aloft manhattan downtown
Hmm if the Aloft Brooklyn is 269, then I doubt the price will be sweeter in Downtown.

United IS Honoring the Fare!

Flag_of_Antigua_and_Barbuda.svg Oh Lord, Lord, call of the barking dogs. United is honoring the fare! After the hooplah of this morning’s unbelievable deal from London to the US for next to nothing subsided, yours truly found another gem by changing the country of booking from the United States to Antigua. Sure they cancelled my great trip from LHR-SEA but who can beat first-class out of DTW! I’m writing this post not for click-bait but to posit the question, is it necessary for everyone to broadcast the bad news or if ten bloggers doing so is sufficient? See you in Chicago. Capture

Making Mistakes in Booking Mistake Fares

Ah the Danish, what a lovely people. It’s 2nd and goal from the 2 yard line and instead of handing off the ball you decide to go for glory by double checking your calendar, going to seatguru for recs of where to sit, and double back because you’d rather fly Lufthansa first than United first. Now that you have the perfect play set to go, you fumble for a card that needs some love to hit the minimum spend and start fantasizing about how great it will be to fly first-class for $100 instead of $8000+, not to mention that it doesn’t require any points. Error What happened? Let me try this again. Maybe seat 2A wasn’t available. Error  Greed is the downfall for all. Those that tried to be too clever instead of going with Beast Mode are kicking themselves for not capitalizing on what potentially could be a next to nothing round trip to London. When TPG tweets, “mistake fare” your only reaction should be book. Where, when, how, with whom, is all irrelevant. Not only do these mistake fares disappear within minutes of showing up but also the chances of the airline honoring the fares is 50/50. Furthermore, if you did book LHR to DTW and realized that nobody wants to go to Michigan, you can still cancel within 24 hours at no penalty. So for those who feel a bit deflated after missing out on that opportunity, fret not, there’s still great deals by selecting Antigua and going from DTW to ORD.Capture