There’s a GDPR compliance pop-up when you enter my website. “We collect cookies. Anything you say or do can be used against you in a court of law.” I am adding another opt-in form that says, “TPOL is not a feel-good, nice guy blogger. Read posts at your own risk. Leave comments at your own peril.”
Lately, I’ve been receiving criticism for my writing (see AA Refund!…7-20 Business Days & Blog Roast OMAAT: Starting Posts with Ouch, Wow, Uh Oh, Wild, Major, Whoa). Some of the readers are new and do not understand my irreverence or my sense of humor. Others keep coming back for more thinking that this time I’m going to be different. These readers do not understand my unwillingness to conform to the prototypical travel blog. I write about what I want when I want and how I want. I assumed that deviating from the cookie-cutter script of travel blogging e.g., apply for this credit card, check out 50 pictures of this airplane seat, would be refreshing. For some it is. For others, it isn’t. Those that are displeased think that there should be a blogger code of conduct whereby I have to be more sensitive about what I write because they believe it affects humanity (see Mario’s comments in Hyatt Regency Miami: You’re Not Staying Here Anyway). I disagree. This isn’t an authoritarian blogging community. This is a casual, free speech, wholly independent travel blog. Come, talk shit, and enjoy. If you’re too brittle, hit the back button now.

Trying being nice just to brighten someone’s day. It costs you nothing.
Hit the back button.
I am always refreshed after reading your posts. I want the truth and can handle the truth!
Free ticket to PR for you!
Still waiting for that free round of golf I won.
When you come, I’ll pay