Moscow St. Petersburg Train is part of the Quest Around the Globe Trip Report.
Take the last train to Clarksville. Take the first train to St. Petersburg.
With St. Petersburg the next stop on the trip, the choice was either to fly or take the train. TPOL loves trains (see The Great Train Adventure to Machu Picchu & The Oriental Express to Chiang Rai) and hates airports and taxis (see “Taxi my friend?” The Worst Places to Hail a Cab). With the help of the St. Regis Moscow, I had tickets for the four-hour journey.
TPOL’s TIP: Booking through the hotel is advisable to make sure payment is accepted and to secure a time in advance.

TPOL’s TIP: The other option is to take an 8-hour overnight sleeper train which would save you the cost of a hotel night’s stay.