The Ritz-Carlton Golf Club Grand Lakes Orlando Golf Review is part of the Trip Report: Citrus Bowl 2016 which covers the following cities:
- Orlando, Florida
- Miami, Florida
Read the Overview here: Points Make It Possible and the Golf Preview here: This Round’s on Trump. I’m including the Delta Sky Club Salt Lake City as part of the Citrus Bowl Trip Report even though it was part of my move to New York in 2015.
Taking advantage of my Citi Prestige free round of golf, I booked a tee time at the Ritz-Carlton Golf Club in Orlando. The golf course is part of the Marriott and Ritz-Carlton resort and a round goes for $200 depending on the season.

It’s always nerve-wracking to tee off at a new course. I was even more nervous because I hadn’t played golf in months and because the course marshal had put me in a group with two other golfers. Needless to say, the first shot was hooked to the right and lost forever. Hooked it just a little bit.
The Course
The course is very playable meaning that there weren’t too many sand traps or water hazards. Drives often landed on the fairway even if they were not perfect.

The Greens
This was my first time golfing in Florida so I wasn’t used to the fast greens. Putting is a strong part of my game but I struggled during this outing.
The Alligators
Alligators on Florida golf courses are a reality. Chipping next to a small pond, my fellow golfers were on the look out for a gator to come chasing after me. On that day I didn’t see any. We did see a snake eliminating my favorite part of golf, ball retrieval.

The Price
I was expecting food and drinks to be expensive because it was the Ritz-Carlton but the beers were affordable and the chicken wrap at the turn was decently priced at around $8.

The Cart
I don’t pay attention to the carts as much as before since I have GPS on my Garmin but the data is displayed for those who need it.
The Scenery
The course is well manicured and the hotel in the background was picture worthy but other than that there wasn’t much distinguishing one hole from another.

It’s a nice course especially when free.
TPOL Grade: 3.5/5 Tees

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Really enjoyed staying at the ritz last august with my brother-in-law during a quick golf trip. Using my ritz card, we were able to use a club level upgrade. As you mentioned, the course was very well manicured. The citi golf rounds offer some amazing value. It is much easier to splurge and stay at the ritz when your golf rounds are included with a credit card annual fee.
That’s the way to do it!