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Friday, February 7, 2025
HomeTrip ReviewsHOTEL REVIEWSVegas Knockout: It's Cosmopolitan to Be Broke

Vegas Knockout: It’s Cosmopolitan to Be Broke

(4) Cosmopolitan vs (1) Caesars Palace

The American way has gone from saving for a better tomorrow to kicking the can down the road for enjoying today. The deficit, the debt ceiling, and purposeless spending characterizes the US economy. No other country uses credit cards as much as the US and no other debt, besides student loan debt, is more attributable to the portfolio of the American citizen. Today, Americans buy the fast car, splurge for the nice watch, and opt for the swanky loafers in an effort to fool the world into believing that we are prospering.

Enter the Cosmopolitan hotel. From the outside, it along with the buildings within the CityCenter development are a stunning display of architectural might. Conceived during the real estate boom, the CityCenter and Cosmopolitan were the only projects to survive the real estate bust. By survive, I mean construction was completed and doors open for business. I do not mean turn a profit, something the Cosmo has failed to do.

But who cares? People come to Vegas to lose their own small fortune not worry about the misfortune of others. Why worry about the cost of the elaborate suite when you can have overpriced Hennessy at the Chandelier Bar? Why fret about dropping a few grand at the blackjack table when you’re living it up at Marquee by day and by night?

And for me, that’s what makes staying at the Cosmo special. Even if it is for only a few days, and even if the bank account is damn near empty, guests feel and are treated like celebrities. Bottles are popped, smiles are exchanged, and everyone is happy.

Don’t worry about going home empty handed, you and everyone else, including the hotel owners are doing the same. After all, it’s cosmopolitan to be broke so long as you dare not show it.

Yes I’ve seen the Bellagio fountains…from my 2 bedroom suite
A standard room? No, I need space to work.
Wine and cheese snack? Just sign it to the room
I’ll have the lobster
Better yet I’ll have more lobster
Day or night is a great time to spend money you don’t have at one of Vegas’ best club, Marquee
Las Vegas-20130622-00362
Champagne poolside please
How am I going to pay for it all?
Who cares, I’m at the Cosmo





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