Many had hoped that I was gone for good. I am not. I was Out of the Office for the World Cup. Don’t worry trolls, I still have my yearly list of Festivus. Check below to see if you were included.
- Housing World Cup Qatar: Adventurous or Fyre Fest?
- Carl WV: The real question is not that of accommodations, which is the only issue you address. The real question is why would anybody condone what made this World Cup in Qatar possible by attending. This is the last post of yours I will ever read,
- Your daddy: I usually like your posts but you do realize almost 7k people died building the infrastructure for the world cup? Don’t get me started on the fact the jail and kill homosexuals and women basically are servants but glad to see you supporting their economy.
- Amex Credits Me $.14 Worth of Points!
- Babblespeak: I would not waste 15 minutes or more of my life calling for something that trivial. My time is worth more than that. Wow. I’m glad it only took me a couple of minutes to read the article and type this. Still too long though, so I guess I’m a hypocrite.
- Wyndham JFK Airport: One Lie After Another
- Brent: If you didn’t simply check the location of the hotel on Google maps, the fault lies with you for not doing the adequate homework.
- Out of Office But in the Office
- Mohammed: and nobody gives a shit
- TWA Hotel JFK: Where to Not Spend a Layover
- Nick: This review has to be noted as from someone who did not stay at the TWA hotel. If you were too cheap to spend $200 why did you even bother to go, just to try Wi-Fi and complain about it? Don’t you have data on your cell that you can use as a hotspot? You said where not to spend a layover. Did you “spend” anything?
- Arthur Gimbal: wait, so did you like the flight or not. Your writing is as clear as congee
- Darryl: The TWA Hotel is the most magical, iconic, elegant, timeless most beautiful airport hotel and Terminal ever. My overnight stay could not have been more delightful. You are transported back to the Golden Age of travel.
The attempted snarky, seeking their 15 minutes of fame , need to be relevant, get clicks so called reviewers are sad and disappointing. Opinions are a part of free speech but really?
This fantastic hotel is not, I repeat not meant to be a St. Regis nor a Four Seasons.
Every hotel or restaurant has good and bad days. Problems that occur should be brought to the attention of the GM and hopefully resolved to the satisfaction of the guest. I have over 40 years experience with Fine hotels and restaurants and have flown close to 2 million miles and I am more than qualified to comment. The hotel is not without its problems and issues but is well worth the price. Others not happy should check into a Motel 6.
I cannot wait to stay there again and enjoy this masterpiece and enjoy the roof top pool! - jsn55: I’m not famous and don’t write a blog, but I sure as hell know that you READ REVIEWS of any hotel you’re considering. You read many reviews. “A reader’s recommendation”? ONE reader? Seriously?
- Bo: I enjoyed my stay there. You don’t have to be such an ass in your replies to everyone’s comments. First and last time I read an article on this blog.
- Dantheman: I do not politely disagree. This article is pure horses*&t. The TWA Hotel is beautiful and a wonderful place to layover.
- Editor’s Day 2022: 5 Years And Counting
- Willy: You might have started blogging 8 years ago, but you conveniently forget the 2 years of zero content (now obviously being made up for with these ridiculous 2 paragraph posts) while you hiding from covid like a ninny.
- Not Breaking News: Frontier Airlines Sucks
- Eugene: I’m sorry, but how is that a new thing? Frontier has been around how long and you just decided to complain? Haven’t you read about why you were getting yourself into when buying your airplane ticket? I feel like this article was created for the lack of anything else to complain about lol
- 55K Alaskan to Fiji And My New Melbourne Residence
- Drew: So you admit it’s a typo but continue to berate your readers lol. Maybe just keep your “blog” and typos and foul language to yourself from now on!
- Gibson: I’ve been a reader for a while but do happen to agree with the comment above – you lose a bit of credibility amongst your peers (other bloggers) when you call it Alaskan. The unsavory comment above isn’t very respectful!
- Priority Pass Tallinn: Sorry No Food Pics
- Earl B.: Thanks for completely wasting 4 minutes of my life. If you don’t want to write lounge reviews – don’t right them.
- Back to Phoenix on Frontier
- Gene: Eww. You are too cheap.
- Transport Abroad: Metro, Yes – Trams, What?
- Gene: Public transit is made for morons. You can’t figure out how to use it?
- NB: Is this a joke? You no more need a lesson to ride a tram as a bus, and arguably less need than a metro as it’s above ground unlike metros, so you can see what’s happening.
- Lot Airlines: Terrible Transit in Warsaw
- AngryFlier: I did not entitle an article with :terrible” featured for an experience which clearly wasn’t. My tone is not at issue here. Nor was I yelling, so don’t try to change the subject when it’s your post that wins the Drama Queen award of the day in Boarding Area. From what you write, this is hardly worthy of such a whiny post.
- Brad Martinson: Also terrible: Your photography.
- Mike: Where’s the “terrible” part of the story? Just because you ended up at a remote stand and took a bus? You made a one hour connection on an international transit with “plenty of time to spare”. That seems like a pretty great transit experience. If you hadn’t neglected a basic rule of travel and researched the transit requirements, it would have been even smoother. I don’t see any reason to be critical of LOT airlines in your story.
- LOT JFK-WAW: It’s How You Finish
- Gene: Most bitter blogger on the internet. Ever.
- Patricia: This blog was randomly on boarding area. But the post is way too bitter without much in the way of an actual review, just mediocre quips. No info on the seat or menu pics. Meh.
- Just Got Home & Now I’m Leaving Again
- Gene: Does these mean you will be on vacation and not posting again? Flingers crossed.
- CDC Suspends Testing Requirement: Where’s My Refund?
- Lance: Stop the whining. Be glad it’s ending. Drama Queen.
- Why Is Turkish ‘Unsanitary’ on SeatGuru?
- Russ Sanders: So why is it iunsanitary? It’s like me writing an article asking why bubbles form with soap and water without the explanation. Stupid. Slow news day and the writer got called away to go golfing?
- Scam Covid Test #2: Leaving the UK
- Jack: Author is an idiot. The testing is not a scam. Not at all.
- thewhinesoflife: If you STAY in the US then you won’t need to test at all. Talk about illiterate…Illuminating that your only concern with testing positive is only with potential quarantine costs, not with the health risks to yourself AND OTHERS
- Admirals Club Chicago O’Hare: Masked Lounge Experience
- Doug: You literally took bad pictures of a lounge everyone’s been to dozens of times and then wrote some sentence fragments. It’s not low-effort, it’s no-effort.
- John: Like seriously, did you not have a draft beer because it was paid? I’ve ordered food at Admiral’s Club’s off the paid menu before multiple times. During COVID, I’m not going outside just to get food (and some outlets are still closed). Even before COVID, it’s nice to have food at the lounge when the lounge wasn’t packed.So many years of empty, slapped-together content
- TPOL’s Tip: Pack a Spillover Bag
- Doug: Is this a blog or your personal Twitter? Love the 200 word pointless blurbs!
- How To with TPOL: Dine Safely During the Pandemic
- d d: That was so stupid, dude, I just lost some intelligence from reading this.
Can’t get enough Festivus? Review these historical Festivus Celebrations:

This is awesome. I’m going to try and talk some quality trash in your direction via the comments in 2023 in hopes of making next year’s rendition of Festivus! It won’t be easy as I can see there’s going to be some quality competition!
Good stuff – I wish I didn’t like your posts so I could write something mean enough to be included. My anger is saved for Kyle the intern at Live and Let’s Fly.