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Simply The Best: TPOL Turns 3 Today!

Three years ago I started this blog to promote my book, Everyone’s Advice Is Wrong . . . Including Mine. At that time, I thought I would become a famous writer and that blogging would be temporary. I’m not quite Hemingway yet but the blog has come a long way. Back then, I would be excited if I got 100 views in a day. To date, I have posted 1326 times, written more than 500,000 words, have had more than 500,000 visitors, and over a million views. The highlight thus far was my appearance on CNN. All of this would not be possible without the support of Boarding Area, fellow bloggers, friends, family, readers, and, of course, a few angry trolls.

Here are the best posts from the last three years starting in March 2014. And here is the link for the Simply The Best homepage which has my top posts month in and month out.

March 2014ThePointsOfLife Infomercial

“The following is a paid advertisement for Enjoy #ThePointsOfLife. It does not represent the views or opinions of your friends and family.”
“The following is a paid advertisement for Enjoy #ThePointsOfLife. It does not represent the views or opinions of your friends and family.”

April 2014The Ugly Hungry American 

We placed our order and calmly took our seats. I mentally prepared myself for this great life challenge as my friend calibrated his stopwatch.
We placed our order and calmly took our seats. I mentally prepared myself for this great life challenge as my friend calibrated his stopwatch.

May 2014Since I Cannot Personally Go To SE Asia With Mikey And Show Him The Ladyboy Bars in Bangkok… 

I am going to do the next best thing and publish a guide of the top things he must see in the cities he is visiting.
I am going to do the next best thing and publish a guide of the top things he must see in the cities he is visiting.

June 2014Is Hawaii A Country? 

Is Hawaii a country? How about Aruba? How about Taiwan? Puerto Rico anyone? The answer should be followed by the question, “Why do you ask?” which leads to the answer because I want to spite all my friends on my country count list competition.
Is Hawaii a country? How about Aruba? How about Taiwan? Puerto Rico anyone? The answer should be followed by the question, “Why do you ask?” which leads to the answer because I want to spite all my friends on my country count list competition.

July 2014Man Vs. Himself: My 4th Of July Hot Dog Eating Contest 

 I overheard a fellow patron ask about a food eating contest and my ears perked up. Moments later, I found myself signing up for the Double Lawdog challenge: 2lbs of dog, 2 buns, and a mound of chili cheese fries that must be completed in an hour.
I overheard a fellow patron ask about a food eating contest and my ears perked up. Moments later, I found myself signing up for the Double Lawdog challenge: 2lbs of dog, 2 buns, and a mound of chili cheese fries that must be completed in an hour.

August 2014 Sheikh Dubai’s Chariot: First Class On Emirates A380

It has been claimed by many in the points game that the greatest redemption is aboard an Emirates Airlines A380 with first class service to anywhere.
It has been claimed by many in the points game that the greatest redemption is aboard an Emirates Airlines A380 with first class service to anywhere.

September 2014Vegas Knockout: My Fantastic Voyage At The Trump Hotel

Everyone has that only in Vegas story so I thought I would share mine.
Everyone has that only in Vegas story so I thought I would share mine.

October 2014Pho Sho, Fu Uh Sho: The Top Ten Places To Get Pho! 

Phở or pho (pronounced variously as /fʌ/, /fə/, /fər/, or /foʊ/ so please stop messaging me that it’s not pronounced pho! I get it, we all get it but choose to remain ignorant for the sake of levity.
Phở or pho (pronounced variously as /fʌ/, /fə/, /fər/, or /foʊ/ so please stop messaging me that it’s not pronounced pho! I get it, we all get it but choose to remain ignorant for the sake of levity.

November 2014The $77,000 Trip Heard Round the World: What 1,000,000 Points Gets You

It is my bold contention that this is the greatest award redemption of all time. I raise the challenge to any blogger, frequent flyer, or foe to prove otherwise.
It is my bold contention that this is the greatest award redemption of all time. I raise the challenge to any blogger, frequent flyer, or foe to prove otherwise.

December 2014Conrad Maldives: Heaven Can Wait

I stayed at the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island in a breathtaking bungalow that overlooked paradise.
I stayed at the Conrad Maldives Rangali Island in a breathtaking bungalow that overlooked paradise.

January 2015How to Explore Hong Kong on Foot: The 7-Eleven Drinking Game

Proceed to the first 7 Eleven and purchase a beer then immediately cross the road and purchase another.
Proceed to the first 7 Eleven and purchase a beer then immediately cross the road and purchase another.

February 2015SQ Givenchy Pajamas: By Air, By Land

My insistence on wearing the SQ garb and milking the celebrity of the greatest pajamas known to man extends beyond the airport. I wear them to the gym, to the bar, and to dining establishments both high-end and low
My insistence on wearing the SQ garb and milking the celebrity of the greatest pajamas known to man extends beyond the airport. I wear them to the gym, to the bar, and to dining establishments both high-end and low

March 2015Guns & Butter: Bangkok, Thailand Travel Guide 

Now for what you should not do: First, the obvious that becomes blurred like a copyright infringing Thicke rendition of Marvin Gaye: don’t get arrested. Though I have no experience myself, Locked Up Abroad does not paint a pretty picture of Thai jails. Leave your drugs at home.
Now for what you should not do: First, the obvious that becomes blurred like a copyright infringing Thicke rendition of Marvin Gaye: don’t get arrested. Though I have no experience myself, Locked Up Abroad does not paint a pretty picture of Thai jails. Leave your drugs at home.

April 2015Club Carlson: Where Did You Go? 

Rather than focus on the negative, I’ve put together a scrapbook of the good times shared with Club Carlson at some of their best properties worldwide. We had a good time while it lasted.
Rather than focus on the negative, I’ve put together a scrapbook of the good times shared with Club Carlson at some of their best properties worldwide. We had a good time while it lasted.

May 2015Dancin’ in Finnair Business: JFK-HEL

I had never been to Scandinavia before but was thrilled to add it to my itinerary as part of my $77,000 Trip Heard Round the World.
I had never been to Scandinavia before but was thrilled to add it to my itinerary as part of my $77,000 Trip Heard Round the World.

June 2015Wells Fargo Card: The Most Resilient Reconsideration Call(s) Ever

On a churner’s high, I decided to apply for a Wells Fargo travel card way back in early May. I’m not even sure which one it was.

July 2015Man Vs. Food: The 2 POUND Burger Eating Contest

Let’s set the scene: The contest was if I could eat a 2 pound burger, 1 pound of fries, and a 32 OZ milkshake in 20 minutes.
Let’s set the scene: The contest was if I could eat a 2 pound burger, 1 pound of fries, and a 32 OZ milkshake in 20 minutes.

August 2015Shanghai+NZ+Tahiti+Bangkok in Business RT= 60,000 United Miles!

Did I read that correctly, all this for 60,000 United Miles? I thought there was a devaluation.
Did I read that correctly, all this for 60,000 United Miles? I thought there was a devaluation.

September 2015Election 2016: Where Have All the MS Jobs Gone?

If TPOL is elected points president, I promise to build a wall, a great wall, the greatest firewall the world has ever seen to prevent these secrets from being shared to a million people.
If TPOL is elected points president, I promise to build a wall, a great wall, the greatest firewall the world has ever seen to prevent these secrets from being shared to a million people.

October 2015Hong Kong Layover = Lan Kwai Fong

“There’s more to Hong Kong than LKF,” every local will advise. While this is true, there’s no better place to spend a few hours before your next flight than LKF.
“There’s more to Hong Kong than LKF,” every local will advise. While this is true, there’s no better place to spend a few hours before your next flight than LKF.

November 2015Virgin Atlantic Upper Class DTW-LHR: Party in the Sky

Virgin Atlantic Upper Class DTW-LHR: Party in the Sky
Virgin Atlantic Upper Class DTW-LHR: Party in the Sky

December 2015Le Meridien Pyramids: View of a Lifetime

Waking up at Le Meridien Pyramids is like waking up Christmas morning. The excitement of drawing the curtains open to see one of the Wonders of the Ancient World in my backyard is incomparable. The view is surreal.
Waking up at Le Meridien Pyramids is like waking up Christmas morning. The excitement of drawing the curtains open to see one of the Wonders of the Ancient World in my backyard is incomparable. The view is surreal.

January 2016Places NOT to Visit 2016

In the spirit of being hopeful in 2016, I thought I’d provide a list of 7 places you shouldn’t visit this year.
In the spirit of being hopeful in 2016, I thought I’d provide a list of 7 places you shouldn’t visit this year.

February 2016End of MS Means Get Your Life Together

Here are the reasons why you should also start your own business in the context of points.
Here are the reasons why you should also start your own business in the context of points.

March 2016The Points Confessional: The Mortal Sin of Rationalizing Redemptions

Forgive me Points Guy for I have sinned. It has been two days since my last award booking.
Forgive me Points Guy for I have sinned. It has been two days since my last award booking.

April 2016Avoiding Taxi Scams Abroad

Having lived in Shanghai, I know that taxi drivers have a propensity to be cunning. Here are the tips that will save you from being taken by your taxi driver whether you are in China or overseas.
Having lived in Shanghai, I know that taxi drivers have a propensity to be cunning. Here are the tips that will save you from being taken by your taxi driver whether you are in China or overseas.

May 2016Emirates A380 Silent Disco!

June 2016Flying Icelandair by Mistake

This was besides my visa issue the dumbest thing I have ever done while traveling.
This was besides my visa issue the dumbest thing I have ever done while traveling.

July 2016TPOL’s Guide to A Night in Shanghai

Shanghai is the best city in the world. I cannot definitively tell you why I think so. There’s just something special about it. It has a unique energy and diversity that I have yet to encounter anywhere else.
Shanghai is the best city in the world. I cannot definitively tell you why I think so. There’s just something special about it. It has a unique energy and diversity that I have yet to encounter anywhere else.

August 2016Amex LAS Centurion Lounge: The Full Day Freeloader Review

Amex LAS Centurion Lounge: The Full Day Freeloader Review
Call me crazy but I love spending all day in the lounge. It’s a timeout from life that allows me to be lazy while simultaneously catching up on work.

September 2016Leave Your Lover Behind? What If She’s Bad at Recon

What would you do?
What would you do?

October 2016TPOL 2016: Make Blogging Great Again

I’m the best at planning trips. I’m the best at taking trips minus the occasional Augardiente incident or visa mishap. I’m also great at humility. Nobody has more humility than I do.
I’m the best at planning trips. I’m the best at taking trips minus the occasional Augardiente incident or visa mishap. I’m also great at humility. Nobody has more humility than I do.

November 2016Do Not Disturb: Why Is The Sign Required?

Ideally, hotels should do away with the do not disturb sign in favor of a ‘clean my room’ sign.
Ideally, hotels should do away with the do not disturb sign in favor of a ‘clean my room’ sign.

December 2016Singapore Airlines First to Moscow: Lobster, Krug, Givenchy, Prada

Singapore Airlines First to Moscow: Lobster, Krug, Givenchy, Prada
Singapore Airlines First to Moscow: Lobster, Krug, Givenchy, Prada

January 2017Ganbei! The Guide to Making Friends in China 3-1

February 2017St. Regis Shenzhen: The Best Hotel in Asia And Beyond

The KK100 skyscraper, the second tallest building in Shenzhen and the 14th tallest in the world, is home to the spectacular St. Regis.
The KK100 skyscraper, the second tallest building in Shenzhen and the 14th tallest in the world, is home to the spectacular St. Regis.

March Madness 2017: Go Blue!

Here's to another 3 more years and a MI run at a championship!
Here’s to another 3 more years and a MI run at a championship!


  1. Congratulations on sticking it out for three years. As I said in 2015 when I first started reading your posts, you trick people with good writing. Keep up the good work and thanks.

  2. Congrats! I’m in awe of everyone who blogs for a living, as it feels daunting to start up with so much competition in the marketplace. I did just order your book, though! Keep up the good work.

  3. congrats to a toddler. hell yeah mr. 3!

    keep on writing. i’ll keep on proofing.

    to anyone reading this comment : tpol is money. he sent me a united club pass and cologne and even some whisky just for teaching him what a gerundive is!

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